<p>So, I just sent in my NYU application, and after I submitted it, I looked over it again, and I realized that a few of my personal statements got cut off! </p>
<p>Of course, they were only cut off by about a word, but still, will this be perceived negatively by them? Will they think I can't follow instructions? Because when I typed them in they fit perfectly. </p>
<p>If it’s only a word or so you <em>should</em> be fine. I don’t think they’ll pass over you just because your personal statements got cut off.</p>
<p>To any other procrastinator who’s on CC instead of doing their NYU app - if you’re using Embark, check the preview of your application before submitting it (step 7 of the Embark application). I found that even though the script cut my answers off at the 500 char mark, they still didn’t always fit into the space on the application preview. That’s how to avoid the problem faced by the OP.</p>
<p>I had this happen to me for my ED app… I had about seven words get cut off for one. I just called the admissions office and the lady I got forwarded to let me e-mail her my personal statements.</p>
<p>It’ll probably be better if you give them a call and see if they’d be willing to take your full statements. At least you’d be showing them that you care enough about your app to call and fix the mistake. The worst they can do is say “no.” Best of luck.</p>
<p>I feel like such an idiot. I totally meant to print everything out first and look through it all, but my mom kept yelling at me to set it up for her to pay the application fee (she was a little cranky at the time, haha). I of course realize it’s not her fault, but still. Aaah!</p>
<p>And now I can’t call them, because the Admissions office is closed till January 5th. I’m so screwed. They’re gonna reject me because they think I’m an idiot for not following directions :/</p>
<p>don’t stress over it. They didn’t even start looking at application. So when you call January 5th more then likely they will allow you to email the full personal statement and it will be in time to review it with your application =].</p>
<p>I’m also worried because everybody on here’s talking about how they spent forever on their personal statements and how they’re super creative…I just answered mine honestly and straightforwardly. So now I’m concerned they’re not going to think I’m creative, haha.</p>