Uhh..who is this random teacher for Econ 1 (winter)??!!?

<p>So I checked the winter schedule today and for Econ 1, there is a Professor Narag teaching...</p>

<p>I thought it was only Bresnock who taught it? Any insights on this new teacher? Should I wait until spring quarter to take it with Bresnock and not risk taking the new teacher?</p>


<p>my same exact thoughts....who's Narag? ::rolleyes::</p>

<p>Narag is actually a world-renowned economist, but her principles are very unusual and she has been exiled for her beliefs...should be a fun experience for us :>)</p>

<p>JK JK JK</p>


<p>but seriously though.........what to do........
do you guys think Bresnock is permanently gone or will she be back for future quarters?</p>