UIUC shirt

<p>Hey , I got accepted EA to UIUC EE. How do I get the official UIUC shirt. BTW im an Indian student..I've always wanted one :)</p>

<p>They sell them at the Illini Union Bookstore and Follett’s too. You can order online.</p>

<p>Hey quiverfox,</p>

<p>Are you definitely going to UIUC?
I also got accepted to UIUC EA to Computer Science.
I’m Indian too.</p>

<p>I really don’t know Gulli4, but it was my first and only acceptance till date(waiting for dream school results)
and thanks Balthezar but I thought accepted students were sent a shirt anyways:)</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, when you come to your summer registration event, after you accept the offer and commit to UIUC, when you are being issued your student ID, You get a goodie bag of stuff that includes a t shirt.</p>

<p>do i have to wait that long:(…no matter…</p>