UM journalism


<p>I know that UM has a journalism major in their school of communication but I would much rather major in English at the College of Arts and Sciences because I feel that a major in English leaves me more routes for the future than a major in journalism....</p>

<p>What do you guys think? Should I apply for the school of arts and sciences or the school of communication?</p>

<p>My son graduated last May from the School of Communication and is working as a reporter for a newspaper in the New York City metropolitan area. He double-majored. Someone else can probably answer this question - I don’t think double-majoring is requred any more (if it is, you can have English as your 2nd major if you’d like). But the bottom line is that Miami is a wonderful school and will give you innumerable opportunities in one of the country’s major media markets. Volunteer on campus!! Write for the school paper - my son had over 60 published articles to which he could point when interviewing. Work for the school TV and/or radio stations. Work on the school’s magazine, if possible. The bottom line is that you can certainly major in English. If you seek a job in journalism upon graduating, it will be your extra-curricular activites that will make you stand out, not your English or Communications major. But take some courses in the Communications school so you’ll learn about current trends in journalism. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>I’d apply to the Comm school…less students there, but I’d double major for sure. That will give you options.</p>