UM urging me to apply EA

<p>UM has emailed me several times over this month and last month urging me to apply. I am starting to gain interest in them, but I wonder how they found out about me. I am a PA student, so I am several thousand miles away from UM. Maybe it's because I am in the top 25% of black students in the Philadelphia area (Indiana University of Pennsylvania told me so). If they are urging me to apply, does this possibly mean that my chances of acceptance into UM are higher? In their emails, they say things such as "We would love to review your application. I hope your's is the first one on my desk" and "We believe that the University of Miami would be a great fit for a student like you."</p>

<p>I’d apply if any college wanted me that bad.</p>

<p>Ahhhh, marketing…what would the world be withouit it! My daughter received glossy brochures and letters like what you describe from soooo many schools. All of the ivies sent her multiple pleas to apply. She was a high performer in HS and got excellent SAT/ACT scores, so maybe she got on some mailing lists that way? Maybe you did too. We’ll never really know. </p>

<p>If you have researched schools and UM seems like a good fit for what you want, go for it. They are pretty generous with both need based and merit based aid, especially if they truly do want you (versus all the hype that may appear in those letters).</p>

<p>Whatever you do, apply to multiple schools so you have choices next Spring.
Good luck!</p>

<p>Yeah I’ve gotten hundreds of letters…even from the likes of Harvard and Duke…I think they get our names from our schools or thr SAT if you do fairly well.</p>