UM vs. UGA honors (for business)

<p>With the 1/2 merit scholarship, they are similar in price. UGA = University of Georgia, a state school located in Athens, Georgia (less than an hour away from Atlanta). </p>

<p>US News ranks both the same (National Ranking). They both look amazing and both are in warm climates. Both were laughed at 10-15 years ago and now both are improving. I don't know anyone from here (PA) that is going to either, so friends going to one or the other does not factor in.</p>

<p>They are different, of course. One is public, the other private. One is very diverse, the other is very homogeneous. </p>

<p>I visited Georgia on Monday and I was at Miami the week before (open house). I think I can see myself at either, they both seem right to me. My main concern is getting a job after college. Which school do you think has the advantage in the job-placement department? This is the UM board so I expect some biased answers, but any information would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>I'm having similiar feelings. I received the same scholarship at Miami so it makes the cost the same as my instate school. I'm going into business and my concerns are getting a job in the midwest when I graduate.</p>

<p>That's another thing.....I understand UM has a great reputation in the Miami area.....but what if I want to work elsewhere?</p>