Accepted to UVA (in-state) and declined my offer of admissions.
@UMASSDad - my S got deferred as well. 1350 SAT, 4.4w GPA, plenty of EC, instate. Not sure why UMass considers itself a state school as they tell you in admissions that they do not care if you are an in state student. Where does our tax money go - to them of course so why shouldn’t MA students have a bit of an edge. They do it so many other good state schools (UVM for examle). Disappointed, but not sure we would accept at this point anyway.
Anyone know when RD decisions come out?
Hello I studied in an Indian curriculum school and my grades are pretty good if not the best, grade 9 -9.8/10 CGPA, grade 10 - 10/10 CGPA and grade 11- 89.9 % (its freaking tough) and grade 12 predicted score given by school - 96.4%(IDK how). SAT 1440 750-M, 690-R; and ACT -32 with a superscore of 33(if it helps) Toefl -110. I have had around 350 hours of volunteer service and I guess my essay is alright, not the best but pretty good. I have done 1 internship in Robotics and CS(my intended major so I hope it helps) and a summer Program at Boston in Robotics and involved in a lot of cricket and basketball 9 through 12. Also I have Subject tests : 800 on math 2, Chem and Phy.
I live in Bahrain so sports opportunities are minute, although I was in the reserves team for Bahrain National cricket team and went to Malaysia for the ACC U-16 cricket cup and also inter-school cricket events and am active in basketball in my school although we have no proper tournaments or organization.
I wish to pursue Robotics and have made that clear in my essay and tried to show my love for it and why I am interested in it. I have strong Recs and I love going to MUNs, I have been to 13 MUNs including one inside UNHQ in New York where I won a verbal mention and have won over 5 wards. My activity essay is based on MUN conferences. I dont really aim for Scholarship, tution should be fine.
I took the ACER examination for Science and Maths(not soooo prestigious) and got 100 percentile internationally and high distinction in maths. I also was a part of a cricket tour to India under CFI( cricket federation of India).
I am part of a global community at Young Scientist’s Journal ( and am an editor and have edited over 15 articles based on Science. I am also part of a community called Young Coders who are working on making a website.
I wish to major in CS and am an international student, what are my chances?
I applied by 1/5/2018, when will I get my decision ?
@charizard1234…you have a good chance, they should be letting you know by mid march I think. Good Luck!
My OOS daughter applied RD and received her acceptance today (portal notification). 4.0 GPA, 29 ACT (30 super score), 8 APs, solid extracurriculars/leadership/sports/service. Good luck to all.
She also received the Chancellor’s Award for OOS students/$10K per year. No notification by mail though, just an update to her U Mass account.
Daughter received acceptance today, regular decision. Email came after 5:00 this evening to check portal. In state, 3.3 UW GPA, 1270 SATs, IB diploma program, some ECs, volunteer work, and regular lifeguard job. No information about merit, but merit is small in-state. Looks like they’re coming out now.
My son got same update message list night. Accepted regular decision to Commonwealth Honors College with a sizeable merit scholarship. He is in-state. He was actually admitted ED to another school, so was simultaneously withdrawing his apps everywhere else when he got the word. So won’t be attending UMass. Stats:1520 SAT and 3.4 UW GPA, for what it’s worth for your discussions.
Hey! I’m an in-state applicant w/ an undeclared major. I applied regular decision to UMass and it is my top school. I haven’t heard back yet, and most people in my school haven’t either. Does anyone here know what determines the order in which decisions are sent out? I’m literally freaking out over here.
@123hng I apologize if I had anything to do with the freakout, but just wanted to share my son’s info in case it was helpful/encouraging. If it makes you feel better, my neighbor’s daughter was admitted last year (with merit aid) in the very last week of March, and almost everyone she knew had received decisions weeks prior (she was assuming the worst because it was late). So while I can’t claim I know anything about order, I can tell you that hearing later than earlier does happen.
@booklady123 Omg no don’t worry haha!! It isn’t your fault at all hahaha. Thanks so much!
just called the admissions office and they said decisions will be released through to the end of march. she also said that they are not released based on who got in or who is at the top of the applicant pool, but rather by major. not sure how accurate that is but just letting you know what I heard!
That could be somewhat accurate. My daughter applied and was admitted as a Chinese major–I’m sure there weren’t a lot of those. They probably looked at the list of majors and said let’s knock off the 5 Chinese majors so we can have that group done, lol. UMass is not high on her list since she goes to school 5 minutes from campus and would like a change of scenery. But she’s waiting on admittance to the Chinese flagship program at URI, so we aren’t officially crossing it off the list yet either.
Anyone find out their decisions as an animal science major or any science related major? I applied regular decision
Admitted as an English major w/ a $10,000/year Chancellor’s Award! Found out February 22nd.
92.5 GPA W, 1300 SAT (710 Reading, 590 Math), decent ECs, stellar letter of rec from my AP Language teacher whom I love dearly, and a competent essay.
Really happy about my acceptance! Chancellor’s Award makes UMass a serious option for me. Good luck, y’all!
Any deferred or new nursing majors heard back yet?
so have people heard back already?
My son just received his acceptance. He’s in state and applied for Legal Studies.
Has anyone heard from Stockbridge School of Agriculture?