UMASS Amherst vs NYU

I was recently accepted to both umass honors program and NYU. I don’t know how much is me paying at NYU yet but that is not my main concern. At NYU I will be studying Construction Management in the Tandon school and at umass I would be studying building constriction technology. Both majors are very similar but I was wondering if one school is better than the other. I assumed NYU is better because of how much harder it is to get in and because it would present me with better internships since I’m in NYC. I just want to know if it would be better for me for to attend NYU. Thank you

80% of the time you won’t get much aid from NYU, except loans, depends net price to you, cannot make a recommendation. But Amhurst honours program is outstanding as well.

I received a 30k scholarship from NYU so now I face the decision of NYU for 30k a year or Amherst for around 13k a year

Umass for 13k is a great deal, especially with honors. I’d go with that! Most internships happen in the summer or winter anyway.

How about if NYU is 30k?

NYU is not better. Tandon is just a rebranding of the old Polytechnic University. It’s a separate campus in Brooklyn, not even part of NYU, literally just a couple buildings. They bought it and slapped the NYU name on it so they can say they offer engineering. It’s an ordinary accredited engineering program, nothing bad, nothing special. Don’t expect it to magically open any doors.

But I’ve heard that the school has improved, and won’t being in NYC give me better job options in the future?

No, being in NYC won’t give you more opportunities. You can get those same opportunities from any decent school. I know many NYC engineers and interns who went to non NYC schools.