UMD Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Still waiting South state

still waiting in MD lol

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If you did not get a decision I would reach out to admissions. There could have been something that came later for EA. I know any test score that arrived after 11/1 pushed them into RD
, for example. UMD are sticklers about things being in on time

Reply to this thread if youā€™re still waiting!


I hear you!

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Application completed 9-28-21 so definitely EA

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It isnā€™t just your application. Itā€™s your test scores if you sent them. Itā€™s your high school sending things in.

Definitely reach out to admissions to find out why they didnā€™t get a decision.

Wondering about @DadOfJerseyGirl , howā€™d your DD do?

Yes all received by 9-28 , SAT and high school stuff .
They have dates marked in details- all are by end of Sept

Can anyone comment on the FIRE program? We are looking at it now and sounds quite interesting and practical.

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I just noticed something in my portal. It says my application is incomplete. Iā€™m missing my counselorā€™s rec, but I swear it was submitted along with my Coalition app before the 1st. Iā€™m worried now.

My D22 checklist says complete date of Oct 23. But no decision here eitherā€¦

Literally everything, as in every component of my application was submitted on or before the 1st. UMD isnā€™t even somewhere Iā€™d like to go but my counselorā€™s rec was definitely submittedā€¦

If they are accepted and invited to Carillon, do they have to accept the Carillon program or can they decline that part and still attend?

My son did the standard three semesters of FIRE. There are a variety of different tracks. Check out the descriptions and see what interests you.

He ended up changing majors so his track wasnā€™t exactly applicable in the end but he stuck with it as he enjoyed the research aspect. He said it was worth it for him. Heā€™ll have a good recommendation source because of it too.


DS got Freshman Connection. Definitely feels like sloppy seconds and 2nd class citizen status. In at Indiana Kelley and Wisconsin and a few other schools where he got merit $$$, so Maryland is off the list.

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Hey Winky1, have seen you on other CC boards. Best to you and D22!!

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My son has similar stats and also got Letter and Sciences instead of CS. My understanding is the gateway classes are: Calc 1, OO Programming 1 and 2. He has AP credits (5) for the first two and also has Aā€™s in DE Multi Variable Calc and Matrix Algebra and has extensive software development experience (proficient in 11 languages). I am a little shocked that he got put on the slow boat to CS. Pretty big turn off.

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S22 accepted Mathematics, Scholars


Did your decision just arrive? Still waiting.