UMD Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

No, it was there at 6 pm, though the email came only about 10 minutes ago.

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You donā€™t have to do Carillon. Per the website:

ā€œAn invitation to Carillon Communities conveys our belief that you will flourish in a living-learning community characterized by its commitment to teamwork and engagement with principles of design thinking. It is up to you to decide if Carillon Communities is for you. ā€œ


Thanks @Jerzyboyz2 !! Right back attcha!

I see that some have been accepted into the Scholarā€™s program and others into the Honors. Whatā€™s the difference? Is one better than the other? I know the scholarā€™s program is for 2 years. What happens after that? Are you considered a non-honorā€™s, regular student? Are scholarā€™s program participants more likely to get scholarships?

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My daughter is a business major (management and marketing double major) and she was in the Arts Scholars program. It was perfect for her because it gave her the opportunity to continue to pursue her interest in art (she mostly paints) during her first two years of college. The LLC portion of the program is the most important aspect of any of the programs, though. Her closest friends are the ones she met freshman year in Bel Air Hall. They are seniors now, and 5 of them are renting an off campus house this year. If your daughter decides to attend UMD, I would definitely recommend an LLC!


Yup, son got Spring semester / Freshman Connection. Waitlist for Fall. L&S instead of the engineering school. Heā€™s bummed.

OOS / 3.9UW / 4.4W / 1570 SAT / great ECs / NMSF

Thanks! Can you just apply to one if you were not chosen for 1?

waitlisted with a 1570? My daughter is fortunate with her FC acceptance by comparison. Good luck. Iā€™m sure you have some solid options with those stats.

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I donā€™t know firsthand, but somebody in a post above said that you can. I would definitely look into it! UMD offers lots of LLCā€™s (not just Honors and Scholars), so I would imagine that your daughter might have some options.

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Wow. I find it shocking that a NMSF with these stats wasnā€™t admitted. The randomness of this process is astonishing. This is my first kid to go through this and he has never had anything other than a A in every gifted and high level class possible since Kindergarten + extensive ECs, patents, tech start ups, you name it. My other kids have no chance. Iā€™m going to go buy them some scratchers.


He said she could apply to Scholars

I didnā€™t think there was any fall waitlist for EA. Anyone with a Spring admittance can do Freshman Connection in the fall.

Son was given Spring admission :cry: and L&S instead of engineering.
OOS / 1570 SAT / 10 APs / 3.9UW / 4.4W / great ECs - heā€™s bummed.

Looks like transferring in to Engineering might not be too bad from what others are saying. Limited Enrollment Program : University of Maryland

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I was just looking this up. DS accepted Aerospace Engineering. OOS. 1550 SAT, 98 GPA Unweighted. 7 APs (canā€™t take until 11th grade); multiple honors; high rigor. NMSF. Good ECs and leadership - but not world changing. He was really hoping for Honors or Scholars as heā€™s shy and studious and felt this would help him find his people. There is reference on the UMD website about applying, but it says ā€œspots for Fall 2021 are full.ā€ That makes me think perhaps you can? I will have DS reach out to an admissions officer about this on Monday. Heā€™s admitted to the honors college at Purdue, but Iā€™d love for him to be closer to home. Weā€™re from NY.


S22 Accepted (Smith, Honors)
In State
13 AP classes
4 yrs varsity athlete, 8 years orchestra (outside of school), club treasurer, community service, multiple PT jobs

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I couldnā€™t see the decision yet for my son. Can someone please let me know Terps Application portal is the right place to check? It only has the link to checklist.

My son got into Carillon community but how do we know if he got into his major? He applied business so very confused. Is Carillon community a good thing?


Yes, that is where itā€™s located. Check the checklist to make sure everything was in by 11/1. UMD is strict about deadlines.

Thanks! This is his most competitive school so farā€¦ most everything else is RD for him, so we waitā€¦ Good luck to everyone else!

BTW CollegeVine said 75% chance of admission, not that I have a ton of faith in their algos, but interesting to see how his harder schools fair.

Yes, it says the application is complete by 11/1, but no decision details available yet.