UMD Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

How likely would it be to get a merit scholarship if a kid hasn’t gotten the Honors or Scholars invitation? DD got in to L & S (she applied undecided) with Carillon Communities. She has very high stats so it was surprising. In any case, is she pretty much out of the running for a merit scholarship? And when are they usually notified?

I’m pretty sure merit awards are determined independently from Living Learning Program decisions (except for Banneker Key which you need to be in Honors College). I am a little surprised that your Daughter did not get into Honors based on her stats. Shows how random the the process can be. Personally I don’t think the LLP should be a major determining factor of going to UMD- they all have both positive and negative attributes. Many current student have some complaints about all of them. The most important attribute for all of them is that they give new students and opportunity to live and participate in a smaller program within a much bigger university.


Did anyone else not get their decisions yet?


I have not received mine

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Maryland gives very little merit money so if not in Honors or Scholars I’d say chances are pretty slim.

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If that winds up being our case, UMD will not be able to be in D22’s mix. I am thinking the price tag will be high even with a little merit, as we are OOS

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Thanks for the response, I deleted from the post (not sure if edited versions are visible to other peobc my daughter was afraid someone would see and recognize, lol, but yes, we were VERY surprised she did not get Honors or Scholars, it makes no sense to us. I guess we’ll see what happens…

Agree, same.

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Scholarships will probably be sent out around the end of February. There is NO connection between scholarships and LLPs (excluding the B/K). I would say that most of the students in the Honors College do not get scholarships and I think that the same is true for the Scholars Program.

Keep in mind that Scholarships are awarded to Admitted Students and there are probably 15.000 or so Admitted Students at this point. If an Admitted Student with a scholarship does not enroll, that money goes back into the pot. It is Not awarded to to some one else.

Also, regarding LLPs, students can, and do, switch dorms after Freshman and Sophomore years


Son was admitted to Engineering and honors. ACT 36, lots of APs including Calc BC (he takes MV this year) and AP Physics C. 4.0 UW and very high weighted.


Interesting…My daughter is OOS, L&S, 4.0 and 1560 SAT, invited to Carillon. I was surprised she was not invited to honors, but I don’t really understand how the LLPs work.

Was anyone who did not get decisions of EA yet able to talk to admission officers

Is Maryland your daughter’s first choice? We were surprised too, but this is my first college application experience aside from my own which was in the dark ages. My daughter does not find Carillon appealing at all, right now she rather not be a part of a LLP.

Thanks for compiling the data – it’s useful in understanding the decisions! Maryland remains a real contender for DD especially with the admissions cycle going the way it is. There’s really ony 2 other schools she’s waiting to hear from in March, and then all this uncertaintly will be over (looking forward to that part).

Maybe this link will help

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we were able to talk on the phone. The person on the ph confirmed that our son’s application was received well on time before the EA deadline. Looks like they had a record number of applications this year and the AO missed reviewing a bunch of applications by mistake.
The person said that he has taken notes and forwarded to the AOs. He also told that we will be knowing the decision in 5-7 business days.
How crazy this is?

For those did not get their decisions yet, - did you also hear the same?

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Hi @SoofDad, do you know if OOS students get any merit aid? (and if yes, do you know what’s typical/range?). My daughter was admitted to the honors college.


OOS students definitely can get merit scholarships. I have seen OOS students get the Full B/K and others get the maximum President’s scholarship.

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it happened to me so I called and at first they said they still didn’t get my counselor reccomendation yet, but I said that my portal legit said application complete and they apolgoized for nkt looking at my application and i’ll hear in 5-7 days. im very annoyed

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Thanks @SoofDad!