<p>ahh WELL i know this sounds bad and wrong and superficial or something but I got invited to the scholars program but am very worried about if its right for me. I don't know if I'm the scholars "type". And I don't what to be stuck living with all scholars and finding out its not for me and being miserable! Is scholars "dorky" that sounds really retarted of me to ask that but I just am stressin. Please help or if anyone relates? Opinions please. :)</p>

<p>live in the regular dorms if it worries you. Next, just the facct that so many people in scholars have had this question proves that it isn't going to be that way. :D</p>

<p>you can always switch dorms if u dont like it</p>

<p>scholars isn't dorky. honest, i promise. it's a pretty big program and there's a lot of fun people.</p>

<p>obviously some programs (science-related ones, etc.) are going to have different types of people in them than others (economy, advocates, etc.)</p>