UMiami Class of 2025 - Spring 2022 Admits

yes, definitely. thoughts on the lifestyle at umiami? i am concerned with the heavy party culture and the idea of a lot of money needed for everything… seems intimidating.

Thank You so much for this! I’m so lucky to have gotten in this year at all and your message was very comforting :slight_smile:

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This is so true. There are SO MANY kids this year who were waitlisted and rejected from Miami due to increase in applications and the school’s popularity. I’m so grateful to have gotten in at all!!


If I was accepted for spring 2022 am I guaranteed a spring spot? Can I wait until like the day before May 1st to submit my deposit or do spots fill up?

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That is interesting. Tuition isn’t lower for spring admit? How could they charge the same if you aren’t there in the fall?

My son got a spring admit email on Friday. Haven’t looked at the tuition situation connected to that

I already answered yes to my offer of admission for spring. It doesn’t make a difference whether it’s fall or spring. If you want to graduate at the same time as the fall admits then do some classes at another institution during fall or go to community college and take a couple classes to transfer your credits over. I think they did not have any fall spots left and that’s why they offered spring to almost everyone in RD. It is still a huge accomplishment, and you should be proud of yourselves.

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Hear me out…

U Miami full year COA is around $70,000 ($35,000 per semester).

For Spring admits, the 2021-2022 COA would be $35,000 (one semester). Which would be a $35,000 savings (of course, without Fall semester).

Student stays home in the Fall, attends community college, and earns 16 +/- (pre-approved) credits for around $5,000. Student also works part-time and earns a few thousand $$ in their savings.

Student arrives at U Miami in January with $30,000 in savings and 16 +/- credits in their pocket. No, you didn’t get official ‘merit aid’ but if you divide the $30,000 savings over 4 years, you can think of it like a $7,500/yr self-earned merit award.

They miss out on the Fall 2021 fun and festivities, but I could think of worse outcomes (like an outright denial).

By their second year, they will be fully assimilated and have forgotten that they missed Fall 2021.

That’s my thinking and I welcome other opinions. Am I missing anything?


They won’t charge you fall tuition because you won’t be there in fall. But when you come in spring, and for every semester thereafter, you will be full pay (unless you have demonstrated need), as they don’t offer merit scholarships for spring admits. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. :smiley:. Congratulations to all who were admitted!

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This is truly an excellent way of thinking about it! Everyone’s situation is different… For us, it was weird because in Feb, UF offered fall admit and a rare, very large scholarship for my OOS daughter. Then Miami offered only spring admit and no money. Such a completely different outcome from these 2 schools. It was surprising…but we all knew this year would be crazy! All the best to you!


Congratulations on UF. We visited once. It’s an amazing place.

In the end, the kids have to decide what’s best for them.

BTW, if UM doesn’t offer us enough need-based aid, son will be attending elsewhere.

Best of luck to your daughter!

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If you don’t like party culture, U miami is not for you. come on. it’s in miami. the city is one big party. again, if you don’t like party culture, UMIAMI is not for you.

Who doesn’t like a good party?

Here’s a question for you learned folks…

If U Miami finds itself under-enrolled in May and needs to access the Waitlist, shouldn’t they offer spots to the Spring admits (who have accepted) first?

I’m just curious where the Spring admits sit in the pecking order. Does anyone know if this ever happens?


seems logical, but i doubt it (even tho I’m not sure). anyone else know?

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I’m really considering the spring offer! Miami is any amazing school and I’m so happy to have gotten in. I’ll happily do community college/work for a couple of months. Also, with COVID who knows if colleges will even be on campus next Sept-Jan :slight_smile: I hope Miami has a virtual information session for spring admits soon so we can learn more about the process.


No they don’t. I read that all of their admission decisions are final so there is no way for a spring admit to be able to start in the fall.

Too bad.

Can you tell me where you read that? I’d like to learn more.

Nevermind - found it in Spring FAQ.


I asked my son’s admission counselor that same question. I asked if he could be on the waiting list for Fall or if there was any chance to switch. She told me all decisions are finals, so no ;(

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I like your glass half full mentality :+1:

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Does anyone know any study abroad programs that umiami offers to there Spring admits? Im from Texas and SMU does something similar to this where you can study in London with SMU for your first semester and you receive full credits.