UMiami Class of 2025 - Spring 2022 Admits

Seems like there were many Spring 2022 Admits to The U. I wanted to start a thread for people to share their opinions about the pros and cons.

While we were a bit disappointed by the idea, after some thought, there are many reasons to like a Spring start.

-Save a little money at a local CC for semester 1
-Who knows what campuses will look like this Fall?
-Still get to be a part of the Class of 2025
-Sep - Dec goes by very quickly

There are lots of reasons to dislike starting late, so I’m not going to list them.

Any other thoughts? Anyone with experience with Spring start?


the idea of a spring start seems interesting and a nice little break between high school and college but no merit is given. i hope fin aid packages are good otherwise it will be a no go for me!


Same for us. I hope the NPC comes close to the actual package - if so, it’s a real option.

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npc was still extremely expensive for us but we shall see (sad to see a 75k a year private institution not even giving a penny in merit aid to people like us - like even 5k would help)


Our NPC said $0 merit with a range of $0 to $15k. But the FAQ for Spring said NO MERIT. We’re counting on grants.

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no merit for spring or no financial aid?

No merit scholarship money for Spring admits.

But there should be need-based financial aid.

We find out mid-April.

Hey all I was admitted as spring admit to Miami yesterday. I’m SO relieved and excited to be admitted at all because Miami is one of my top choices and I know how competitive it is.

Stats (if anyone wanted them)
unweighted GPA: 3.7 Weighted: 3.8
SAT: 1410


Does anyone know what students who choose to attend Miami for the Spring semester typically do between sept-Jan? do they stay home and attend CC? Do they study abroad? do they attend a local cc in Miami? Whats the general consensus?

I’m considering attending spring 2022 but need to learn more about what students typically do from sept-jan :slight_smile:

in the letter it said you can do cc, volunteer, etc

Thanks! I’m sure Miami will hold a virtual information session for spring admits soon where we can learn more about the process!


I have a son that transferred to the U and I have to say it doesn’t matter when one starts. There are ALOT of tranfers in and athletes and Spring admits that arrive on campus in January. They do it right and have a real orientation and the campus with the new residence is super beautiful. Miami is an amazing vibrant community and the President of the college, who also happens to be a world health expert, did a truly AMAZING job keeping campus open and classes in person( he even taught a class himself I believe). I am NOT at all surprised that Miami had 42000 applications this year. If you want to be a normal college kid in 2021-22, Miami will not disappoint. My son is never moving back here. Opportunities In Florida, a state that has seen an enormous influx of people this past year, are abundant, as well. If you got an offer to go to the U, and love the school, take it.


I still haven’t figured out what I am going to do for first semester but I still put down my deposit as soon as I got in for spring hahaha

Has anyone else decided to accept the spring admit?

not going to touch a single button until I see my aid package!


Personal opinion here, but I feel that Spring Admit is about the school, not the student. It’s a way of saying we don’t want you for fall, but if you want to go here badly enough we will make room to cash your check. That’s why there’s no merit aid for spring admits. You will forgo your fall freshman experience AND pay full freight.

Of course, if it’s your first choice school then go for it. If not your absolute dream school tho, consider other choices and remember it’s all about them just squeezing out more tuition dollars from more students. If they were in love with you they would’ve offered you fall.

“You will forgo your fall freshman experience AND pay full freight.”

If you don’t start in the fall, you don’t pay for fall.


Yes, of course. I meant that when you do eventually arrive, you will be full pay as they aren’t giving any merit.

Exactly. I personally don’t see it in a negative way and I’m just so grateful to have gotten in. It’s one semester and many people come in spring semester


While I do think schools want your money, the fact is that a large number of kids graduate in December. There are spots available and so they are able to offer admissions to those that want to come. As for the full college fall freshman experience, I am not certain all schools in the northeast will be fully opened this fall. We may not be back to normal by then. Personally, Id get a job first semester and save some money. Miami can get expensive beyond the cost of the school.