University of Miami Spring 2024 Admits

Starting a thread for U of M Spring 2024 Admits

Hi. My son was admitted for Spring 2024. I’ve read the details online and it appears there is no guaranteed housing for these students. I know there is a housing shortage anticipated for the next several years. Does anyone know more about this? I’m curious what the chances are of securing on campus housing as a Spring admit. I’m also interested in knowing how many students will be in the Spring admit program. Thx!

I have all the same questions! I’m very concerned about housing. Also, can students live off campus for fall semester and take non-degree courses at Miami?

Same here… so many questions! My son wants to go in the Fall anyway to work and take (hopefully transferable) classes, but will have to find roommates and live off campus. The current freshman dorm situation is not ideal so maybe this will turn out better?

Where would he take classes?

I was on the facebook page for off campus housing and there were current spring starters looking for housing. Some of them mentioned being there in the fall and taking courses at other local schools. I don’t think they can take U of Miami classes fall semester but not 100% sure. I am going to try and reach out to the school this week for more answers. Other schools that have spring starts seem to have a tighter program and do offer guaranteed housing - thinking specifically of Tulane. The devil is in the details, right?

Yes please share what you find out! We also plan on calling this week and will share as well.

Whats the name or link of the Facebook page for spring starters? I started one but have only gotten a couple of joiners. I didn’t realize there is already one established.

The facebook page is just the U of M housing page that’s on U of M website. I tried to link it here but apparently you can’t send links on this message platform. I searched with “spring start” and just started reading through the posts. Most of the posts aren’t about spring starters - they are just people looking for housing or looking to sublet in spring. I did DM one young woman who mentioned that her sister was a spring start and took classes somewhere. Let’s all just keep gathering info and sharing with each other.

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What did you call the FB page you started? I’d like to join

following have same questions!

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I am being told that spring admits will be prioritized for on campus housing as freshmen but that “many” will be forced to live in off campus housing that can run from anywhere between $1300 - 3000 a month per person. Worst part is that UM policy states that once you live off campus, you are unable to live on campus in subsequent years. The U tore down much of their dorms and are in the process of rebuilding. That will be great for 2026 admits, but for our students, having a campus experience will depend greatly on finding housing close to campus. I’m not sure this situation creates enough value to justify the tuition.


Hi! I started a Spring Admit Facebook group. The link is below if you’d like to join. I’m sure the group would be interested in your findings.

Sounds like you spoke to someone at the school. I have tried to set up a call with our rep but have been told she is busy with events for newly admitted students. I am getting the impression that the spring admits are very low priority.

I agree. I kept calling until I got someone who could answer at least some of my questions. They weren’t the answers I was hoping for but I did appreciate their candor. I have many more questions to ask, but to your point, everyone seems too busy with other things to provide much in the way of assistance. They still have RD students to deal with as well so I don’t know when the spring admits will get some love. If they ever do.

My son was a Spring starter this past January. Orientation was excellent and we were given the same treatment as Fall starters. There must have been over 500 students starting and a high ranking Dean told us that they managed to find “on campus housing” for 315 students. This was only possible because so many current students decided to study abroad this semester. Many Spring starters are housed “on campus” at the Thesis Hotel. I stayed there during orientation and was very lucky to get a room on a non-student floor.

We were committed to going to UM despite the housing situation. As soon as I heard that on campus housing was neither required or guaranteed we decided to find something close to campus. We chose The Standard because all units are furnished and its close proximity to campus (right across Dixie Highway). There were many students looking to assign their lease following the Fall semester. Our rent for next school year will be $2,700/month for one of the nicer units.


My son took classes at our local community college in Maryland. All 12 credits transferred into his business major.

what classes did he take? Thanks

Basic English and Calculus transferred into their respective UM requirements. Communications and Business Management transferred in as free electives. We suspected this outcome. UM told us that worst case scenario is classes counting as free electives.