UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Ross intending
3.13 UW GPA
1600 SAT
18 APs
Cofounder of VC Invested tech startup


Postponed COE. OOS. 1550 SAT (single test), 11 APs, 2 DE, 4.4 GPA (3.9 UW). Extensive ECs. Anyone know what the postpone to accept ratio is? Congrats to those that got in.

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Everyone has that option.

We were just told previously that everyone might not.

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OMG SAME! I was so scared bro

Requested mid-year report and LCI

Hi, quick question, I was recently accepted OOS - which was indicated on my portal- but I am yet to receive an email. Is anyone else facing the same issue?

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DS22 got postponed OOS.

I got Accepted
3.75 UW
1430 SAT
Strong ECs
this totally makes up for getting rejected from UNC Chapel Hill and deferred from NEU


Sameā€¦ No email.

not sure it really matters if you got an email since the portal gives you an answer and you have access to that.

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They are asking for a LOCI, what exactly should I write about.

I got rejected from UNC this morning as well :sweat_smile:

An email comes hours later.

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so does anyone know a tentative date to when they will let the postponed kids know? seems so silly to wait until april.

Thank you. I previously thought of it as a confirmation, however, since itā€™s on the portal I guess it doesnā€™t matter.

My daughter was accepted!
OOS - New York City Public School
(LaGuardia - the ā€œFameā€ school - for Dance )
SAT 1510
8 APs
uwGPA 96/100
LSA undeclared
President, Girls Who Code
President, Synagogue Youth Group
Mock Trial Team
Track Team
Siblings UMich CoE '19 & UMich Ford ā€˜21
Great essays, especially why Michigan - sat in on siblingsā€™ classes and discussed specific classes/professors/academic tracks of interest, also talked about Notre Dame game with sibs in the pouring rain
Signed up and took official Michigan tours in 9th, 10th, 12th grades


There must be a great story here. With that SAT and UW GPA. Unless the 3.13 is a typo. CONGRATS - from a fellow Ross alum!

Everyone should have that option. But pre-pandemic, deferred applicants would get one of 2-3 different emails. Legacies MAY get a separate email, acknowledging their legacy and postponed status.

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Was anyone denied or will no one want to share that information? I looked through the posts so I mightā€™ve missed it.

D22ā€™s postponement just said she needed to have a counselor submit mid year grades by February 20th and sheā€™d have a final decision by April. Then it linked the FAQ section about postponement.

I didnā€™t expect this to feel so bad.