UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

OMG :scream:! D22 got home and guess wha!!
GPA 3.8 uw
multiple APs
submitted SAT 1400
StuCo pres, multiple ECs
Visited even during Covid
D19 is LSA as is her Dad

have to say Great To Be A Michigan Wolverine :yellow_heart::blue_heart:

now waiting ROSS

( also heard from U Miami today and In )


postponed OOS… wasn’t very surprised.

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S22 Postponed
4.0 UW/4.47 W
33 ACT
Kinesiology/Spt Mgmt
Solid APs, ECs, Leadership, Service.

He is a little disappointed but not surprised given the other posts in this forum. More disappointed that the final decision may not come until April. But I believe he will find where he is meant to be. Congrats to all who got in and best wishes for those of you who are waiting with us.


You have to apply for scholarships.

U ofM offers very little merit

I’m just not sure you can use the prior years as a measuring stick. Things are totally different now. I hope not, but it would be nice if the school could give some clarity about what to expect.


Sure it makes Miami happy to see that post.

It’s not just based on comments here. Michigan received a total of 80,000 apps last year. If the amount of in-state apps remained steady for the Fall of 2021 (I don’t have a breakdown) compared to the Fall of 2020, then 69,000 +/- apps came from OOS.

45% of the freshman class is OOS. So, if you want to enroll about 3,000 (roughly) OOS kids, then you have to accept about 12,000 OOS kids (assuming 25% OOS yield). That’s about a 17% acceptance rate for OOS applicants, which is what it was last year.

Anyway, the more apps, then unfortunately more deferrals, waitlists and rejections.


S22 Accepted OOS!!

  • 1560 SAT (800M); Full IB
  • Strong EC’s (State/County/School Student Gov’t leadership; Club leadership; NHS Pres; Entrepreneurship awards; Varsity Baseball and Golf)
  • Assume RECs were good

FWIW (opinion only) – as a CoE, his non engg passions + his “Why Michigan” played a big part…

For those unbelievable applicants in the deferral queue – best wishes and keep the faith!

Go Blue!


I got postponed and my grades slipped this year :frowning: the portal only asked me to submit a continued interest form but should I still send in my mid-year transcript along with it?

Deferred COE OOS Not waiting around for them to make decisions …going somewhere else that already wants me


It’s not just OOS kids that Michigan defers in high numbers. All but 1 in state kid we know were deferred too. The accepted one had the lowest stats of any of them.

To answer your question:

The unofficial hosts of this thread did a crap ton of analysis of past trends over 10 years. Much appreciated by us all.


Read the instructions carefully. There are FAQs for postponed students.

What is the summer bridge program?

There is one post saying 2/18, 3/18 and 4/15 for postponed kids. Why is that?

So my D22’s postponement just said she needed to submit a mid year grade report by Feb 20th. There was no request for a continued interest form. There was a link to the FAQ questions about postponement and that said she could submit both a continued interest from and her mid year grades.

Is this what everyone else is seeing? Or are people getting notifications about continued interest right in the postponement?

She’s just so sad right now. I feel terrible. I thought she had a chance at COE in state with a 4.0 and 1460. Now I’m wondering if COE was the right choice with her stats. IDK. It stinks.

Are the postponed kids supposed to get result as RD ?

I see other are providing more details on stats, so here is my D22’s.

Accepted to College of Engineering
GPA 4.0
11 APs
SAT 1530/ACT 35

  • Started and scaled two STEM initiatives with partnerships
  • Deeply immersed in racial justice. Recognized in the school and community
  • Softball club player 7 years
  • Rock singer/songwriter with many performances
  • Presented a vision for impacting social change through product engineering

Good luck to those deferred. You got this.


Look to the left on the portal under action items.