UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Hopefully she is going to Michigan. With that profile, I am sure she has 7 acceptances.


But they do give oos financial aid if you qualify

OK, thanks. I don’t have access to her portal and she wants to be left alone right now. So I’ll ask her to look later.

Son received no email notification and went into portal on his own and was accepted.


Yes. They normally get notified in Feb, March and April of acceptances. If you get outright rejected (or waitlisted) you probably won’t find that out until April.

Can someone explain what the Sumer program is? Thanks!

D22 Postponed
LSA / astrophysics
3.9-4.0 GPA UW
1510 SAT
ECs with leadership, APs/honors, etc.

Not surprised but we were hoping to revisit for an actual tour (visited last March when everything was virtual) in February to narrow down options if she was accepted as we wait for the rest of the application responses in March. Still hopeful!

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I’ll disagree with you. The acceptance rate for in-state apps is more than double (2x+) the OOS rate of acceptance. And there are 6x the number of OOS apps compared to in-state apps.

If my numbers are close, then last year, there were 69,000 OOS apps versus 11,000 in-state apps. And in-state apps are declining in number over the years. And OOS apps keep increasing.


This link explaining the program has been posted a few times.

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That thanks goes to @sushiritto. He does an amazing job with the stats etc. Good guy actually.


Can anyone please post the instructions provided to postponed students? Thank you.

It has been stated many times with links to the thread. Use Google or reach on the Michigan website.

Thank you! Really appreciate it

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Yes, thank you.

I’ll likely be using them for next year’s class, when all the questions arise again. :grimacing:


My Son was accepted to LSA
3.82 UW/4.53 W
33 ACT
Extensive EC
Pointed essays
waiting to hear from Ross


DD got postponed.

4.73 W GPA
1510 SAT
13 AP courses
and a decent no of EC’s

Was little optimistic that she might get in and have to now wait until RD. Pretty much all of her friends with similar/better stats also got postponed…

Congrats to all the kiddos that got IN…


From today forward EA is over. Anyone not accepted but postponed or deferred is now officially in the RD pool. Which starts Feb 1st.

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When I see the stats being posted on this thread and others like it, I am so thankful I finished college about 30 years ago…


Aww, thanks! She got into Harvard REA and given her engg+social justice focus, it is a really good fit. She has still not decided and probably won’t till April…

What do you mean by “starts in February”
Start excepting?