UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Unknown. And Michigan has never posted broken out EA stats from the rest of the cycle’s stats.

None. That info is not ever posted. But if this site is any indication, being a very small sample size, I’d say, all other things being equal, EA has an advantage over February 1st RD applicants. Personally, besides EA showing “demonstrated interest,” the overhwhelming majority of RD acceptance posts come from the EA deferred pool of applicants.

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I’ve seen home school EA deferred applicants, get accepted in the first RD (February) wave and then subsequently accepted into Ross’ 2nd (March) decision date. So, Ross’ March decision date can and probably will consist of candidates from both the EA acceptance and EA deferred pools.

The April decision date for both Ross and the rest of the applicants is unfortunately filled with waitlisted and rejected applicants with a few acceptances. As time goes by, chances of admission decrease.

That info is not released.

Everyone is postponed at UMich they don’t defer. Your letter says postponed to the regular decision pool.

Postponed means they need more information from you like senior year grades, the letter of continued interest, and maybe another reference.

Do everything they ask and make sure you tell them Mich is your first choice and you will push accept and pay the deposit when you are accepted!


What type of campus does she want?Both excellent for engineering. Ann Arbor is much different than Purdue area. It’s more fit /feel of the college vs the major

this is really dumb but I just now realized (after being accepted) that I listed the date for one of my ap tests in 2021 instead of 2020, do you think this will cause them to revoke my admissions or anything? the score is the same just the date is off

This happens and I would call and find out more. He might be up for a merit. They evidently want him here. Congrats.

No. Relax…

So is postponed better than deferred?

No, it’s the same thing.

I know someone who got waitlisted, so is that better than deferred? Just trying to figure out what is better.

Waitlisted at Michigan??? From the EA pool? Today?

what %of deferred / postponed get admitted ( from past data). Any insights?



Huh. I didn’t know this happens - unless it’s from a college outside of LSA or COE that operates admissions differently?

Not from today. You get wait listed going forward not from today.

To clear somethings up. Going forward all the EA postponed /deferred students go into the RD pool now. In February and March and April (already posted dates) going forward you are either Accepted, Denied or Wait listed,in these next rounds.

If LSA postponed , does one get to hear either way during feb/march/aprl whenever and if by chance get in LSA , 3 weeks later from Ross? D22 got postponed OOS. trying to understand the timelines.

Actually, getting admitted from the waitlist is really tough. In the year preceding the pandemic year, a 2% (two %) chance (89/4,922).

Having said that, the EA decisions today were either an acceptance, deferral or rejection, assuming the decision came from LSA, CoE, Nursing or Kinesiology.