UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

thank you!

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To me itā€™s fit /feel and affordability. We decided to go oos from Chicago. Didnā€™t care for UIUC. Michigan had everything we could want and were able to afford the difference. If your able to visit both I would highly suggest it.

In combination of both yes but I think their asking like how many applications to EA vs RD without the postponed /deferred students added.

I am not sure if itā€™s broken down like that but it does seem many EA applicants hear back in February. But now everyone is RD (but I know what you mean). They go through the same reviews. Many are requested Midterm grades. Many are requested to write another why letter loci.

Why you might ask? Many will end their college search and not want to go forward. This is good for them and for current applicants actually. Many drop out for realizing financial situations. Many hold on ā€œjust to see what happensā€, but never intend to come hereā€¦ So itā€™s a good filter not a bad one

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D accepted to LSA, OOS (Georgia)
UW 4.0
10 APs (4s & 5s)
1510 SAT

Didnā€™t get email to check portal until almost 3:30!


Follow the instructions. There is no hidden meaning. Do as they ask or your not following the directions correct?

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To the accepted look for this.

Campus day is coming to campus but next steps is when Michigan hosts something regional to you. Also Alumni sometimes host get together local to you but with COVID not sure maybe virtual?

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If you are in-state, I would absolutely continue pursuing Michigan. Provided your childā€™s heart is still in it for UM, I would never advise backing out just for the fear of not getting in ultimately.

But itā€™s a different story if they love Purdue and the opportunities there over what could be at Michigan, and you can afford attending there. Lots of mitigating factors to that question. Good luck! Sounds like there are many good options.

Last year there was a mini wave on 3/5.

i was also accepted and did not get an email.

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me neither

Thank you!

When my older kids accepted their admission offer to Michigan (classes of '19 and '21), Michigan alumnus Fred Wilpon (then owner of the Mets) hosted their cohorts in the NYC metro area (and parents) to an August Mets game and reception at Citi Field. It was a lot of fun.


Any advice on the LOCI? My D22 got a 31 on the English section of the ACT but less on math and science for overall 27 so we didnā€™t submit. So should we now and explain it was only one sitting, idk? I think that if you say test optional you remain that way and they donā€™t review. My S21 is enrolled currently (his GPA was lower 3.7 vs 3.9 but he got 1510 on the SAT and had more APs). He was accepted EA last year so We didnā€™t do a loci for him.

Ross at their campus visit day said they do NOT even look at the application until they are admitted first to LSA ( or the primary school). They did say limited spots and best to apply early.

Stats are so good. Yes may be call admissions and check

But I assume that the postponed EA kids will get looked at every ā€˜waveā€™. And once admitted then app goes over to Ross. So still have chance in Feb and March. And in my mind STILL a better shot than doing RD, since they donā€™t find out till April

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Donā€™t send since 1.they didnā€™t ask for them 2. It wonā€™t help her.

Donā€™t make excuses on the loci. Michigan doesnā€™t care if itā€™s 1 or 3 sittings. Itā€™s the final score they are looking at.

The Loci is not as hard as you think. Itā€™s a basic question. Why does your child really want to be at Michigan? Donā€™t state facts that they know like their a great school for this or that. That doesnā€™t answer why your child wants to be there. In their own words. Take a few days then write it. Just ask your child. ā€œSoā€¦ Why DO you want to go to Michiganā€? And build from there. If someone canā€™t answer that question thenā€¦ Maybe itā€™s not the school for them? Make sense?


Very good advice, currently trying to write a loci to Harvard and UMich!


Almost correct. So closeā€¦ Lol.

Today Everyone is RD period.

RD can find out at any time from February 1st to Mid April. Not just in April unless I read what you wrote wrong.