UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

How did you guys get interviews? did you request them or did they reach out to you?

They reached out to us. It is only for engineering.


SMTD, Architecture, Nursing and other smaller schools have their own decision timeline(s). However, the two largest schools, LSA and CoE, released their EA decisions on 1/29/2021.

There’s a sarcastic UMich Admissions tweet on 1/21/2020 of Bernie Sanders sitting with mittens and heavy coat on during the Presidential inauguration with the caption “Actual footage of me waiting for my EA decision.”

The 2020-2021 (Class of 2025) Ross decision dates are posted here on the Ross BBA blog:

January 31, 2020
February 28, 2020
March 27, 2020
April 17, 2020

No Ross BBA decision dates have been released this year for the Class of 2026.

Here’s the 1st post that I saw with a deferral last year, Post #2464 Jan 29, 2021 11:50 AM (PST), again for LSA and CoE.

Anyone know when Chicagoland applicants will be receiving a decision?

Michigan doesn’t release by region. Everyone gets their decisions at the same time. There’s often some portal changes in day or days prior to the release. In the old days, with Wolverine Access, we got disappearing decision tabs. :smile:

And again, the smaller schools, such as SMTD, Architecture, etc., do have their own timelines.

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Thanks! Since they didn’t extend the app deadline this year, has anyone speculated that it could be earlier? Or is the general consensus that it’s probably going to come out around that last friday?

As we all know, the website states “by late January.” That doesn’t sound like they’ll be shaving off 2 weeks due to the EA app deadline not being extended this cycle.

But I’ll put this bit of info out there. On a rare occasion or two or three, an admissions insider has posted or PM’ed the release date as it approached. But that’s been infrequent and obviously may not happen this year.

Funny story, 3 years ago(?)-ish, I got “hammered” by a new CC member/poster. She knew the release date and posted it. When she was ultimately proven correct, she come back and asked me for an apology, which I gave. But then she wanted an even better apology :smile: BTW she has not posted since to the best of my knowledge. One year wonder?

In general, any brand new members posting decision dates should looked upon with skepticism.


I never said they meet need. But lots of people don’t think they give any OOS money. I know families that got between $20,000-35,000 being OOS. Just saying. For some this can be helpful.


I find the whole demonstrated interest thing interesting. We spent a lot more time exploring schools that we didn’t love/were uncertain about than the ones we knew were right from the start.


If you look up a school on USNWR and check the admission statistics, sometimes they list high schools that are feeders to that college. It turns out that my son’s high school is listed as a feeder to UofM-AA, which jibes with what guidance counselors have told us. Two kids just from my son’s robotics team were accepted to UofM’s engineering program last year.

LOL i remember that, no one knew if we should believe her but she was right

In March of 2021, the Michigan Daily published an article about the 301 high schools with the most applicants to the University of Michigan - it has a clickable chart with the schools. My daughter’s high school doesn’t even make the list of in state schools, so definitely not a feeder. I found it fascinating - some schools seem to have 1/4 of their class applying to the University of Michigan.

I have no idea what the acceptance rate is for my daughter’s high school. I’ve looked up her high school on and can see the number of students who attend Michigan each year, but I have no idea how many apply - I’m assuming very few reject their acceptances from her high school, so I think the number attending is close to the number of acceptances (not very many …).


Your daughter’s school’s Naviance should have her school’s acceptance rate for each college.


Her school doesn’t use Naviance.

Fascinating data. S22’s OOS high school sends 30+ but 200 apply, so it’s not exactly a NYC feeder. This is a very useful perspective for applicants in future cycles. It’s not often we see this kind of data for specific high schools. It’s almost like seeing everyone’s Naviance stats altogether. Now wouldn’t that be useful across the board?:sweat_smile:


Not that it matters on this forum, but the UC’s here in CA have the same data available for every HS here in CA, but not for OOS HS’s. We even get a male/female breakdown.


If you mean the Admission by Source School database, it has OOS high schools, if they have more than 5 applicants/3 admits.

This would be nice to have on a wider basis, as I know our school’s Naviance data is nowhere near accurate.


I checked with my son’s guidance counselor and his high school does not subscribe to Naviance, which surprised me.