UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Great link @RichInPitt
Thank you!

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No surprise that International Academy tops the list. It is a magnet school that students must test into. Many parents in our district try to send their kids there, even though we are the #4 high school in the state.


Scared? Things work out the way they should

Yep, that’s it. Cool, thanks for the correction. I just never noticed or completely forgot.

so no one knows when ea decisions will come out?

Nothing announced yet, but based on past dates my guess is 1/22.


That’s really interesting @ the high schools sending the most kids to Michigan. Princeton’s newspaper put out similar information last year. It was surprising.

Do you have a link to that? I would be interested in seeing it.


This may be a silly question, but when schools count the number of applications they received and then publish number of admissions, do they subtract the number of applications received and then withdrawn for reasons such as a student was accepted early decision elsewhere? Reason I ask is that the data provided in the chart for my kid’s school shows a relatively low acceptance rate from the number of applications received. I am aware, however, that a large number of kids applying to Michigan also apply ED or REA elsewhere and then withdraw their application to Michigan after the ED/REA acceptance. These kids would have technically applied and technically not been among the number of kids accepted, driving down the perceived acceptance rate. This issue, on a larger scale is probably insignificant, for example when compared to all applications received in a year. Just curious.

Sure here is the link to an article that talks about many things, but one being where applicants come from then there are links to see more detail. Princeton’s newspaper is like Michigan Daily a little to me. They did an entire series about admissions. All confirmed my suspicions that many top schools pull from certain high schools.


Here is the link to that article in the Princeton newspaper specifically on high schools. Again reminds me of Michigan Daily with good in depth pieces.


I can only give you an opinion. But IMO, if an application is withdrawn prior to the EA decision, then that application wouldn’t be included in the total number of apps submitted. It would be as if the application was never submitted to Michigan.

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Looks like the portal is changed little. Now there are three main tabs - Action Items, Messages, Application.
Before there were few more tabs on the second row.

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Wait, what used to be on the second row? It looks the same to me, unless I’m missing something.

I was wondering the same thing. Mine seems to be exactly the same.

around what date in jan can we expect our decisions? considering that the EA submission deadline was not extended this year

My sons portal has not changed. Same three tabs that were there before: Action Items, Messages, Application (we have a screenshot from when he initially accessed portal). Submenus are also unchanged

I already responded to your question previously (post #180).
Most likely timeframe for decisions: 3rd week of Jan. Maybe Jan 22nd.


Probably local differences
from our school there are 15 more students applying this year than from lasts years according to Naviance.

D22’s portal has always looked like this. But it showed everything complete and no action items from day 1. Perhaps outstanding actions/to-do items had other tabs associated with them.

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