UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Hi, my app was also postponed. I see space for LOCI. I am also asked to submit a midterm report from the counselor through commonapp. I am not sure if the common app would send an automatic response to admissions office, or the submit button would activate in the common app after the counselor submitted my midterm report. Appreciate for suggestions. Thanks in advance.

I think school will automatically send mid-year report at the first week of Feb.

The fact that you visited campus and demonstrated interest should make it obvious to you that it was not a yield issue. Ross is selective, and the description of your son is impressive, but not necessarily unique. Maybe his essays weren’t as good as he thought

My daughter is similar. 34 ACT w/ 4.0 uw, national and international championship athlete, high ranked IB school, deferred. The 5 students accepted EA from her school had lesser stats. 4 were LSA undeclared and 1 stamps. Her sister is at umich now. Sister was also deferred EA but accepted RD.


I think Michigan has been long known for deferring most early action applicants. If it makes you feel any better, my now junior umich daughter also went to a highly ranked school, had great stats, was deferred EA and accepted RD. She also jad classmates accepted at ivies but rejected by Michigan. There were some students in her class accepted EA that had lesser stats than she had. Pretty similar to what my high school senior is experiencing this year.



For both class of 2023 and current class, I can confirm that students below the average GPA and SAT/ACT were admitted EA from my kids’ high school.


Essays are the most subjective piece. It is possible they didn’t click
.but in my opinion his Ross specific portfolio essays were really really good. Perhaps they never even read those because of the way the process works 

They probably read only the main essays?

Ok, I will try again: I shared a Facebook group of the accepted parent group of Umich, class of 2026. Please search on facebook: University of Michigan Class of 2026 - Parents

If you are interested and are parents of Umich 2026, please feel free to join.

I am myself Umich Alumni and both of my children, class of 2023 and class of 2025 got accepted into Umich. I shared this yesterday and my post was flagged.

Sorry for the post yesterday and I did not make it clear: my children were the class of 2023 and class of 2025 EA accepted students. Thank you!! Hope to see more parents at the FB group and we can support each other!


has anyone that has gotten in received any follow up emails? I haven’t heard anything

Its not all about stats. Michigan clearly states the process is holistic. This means stats, EC, work, recommendations, and Essays that truly make a connection to “Why Michigan”.


The job of the Michigan AO’s isn’t to rank and accept the applicants with the highest GPA’s and the best test scores with the greatest EC’s, achievements and awards.

Having said that, we’ve had applicants post here in this thread that were both accepted EA to Michigan and various Ivy League schools. But that’s not unusual.

Last year 80,000 apps were submitted, with 55,000 of them submitted in EA, there are going to be many deferrals to RD. And as you can see, the # of apps has grown a lot the past few years:

2021-2022 79,743
2020-2021. 65,021
2019-2020 64,972
2018-2019 64,917
2017-2018 59,886
2016-2017. 55,504
2015-2016. 51,671


My understanding is that merit scholarship information is sent after acceptance, not at the same time. And CoE will also send info separate from the UMich letter, so it’s not all at the same time.
But I don’t know the timeline.
Does anyone know if it’s a few days? Or weeks? or after RD is completed?


I submitted my EOCI and mid term grades which have been received by umich. Others too should focus on submitting their documents asap so we can all get our decisions in the earlier waves. Saying this because i saw a big discussion on people getting asked for different documents like some need EOCI and some are asked to submit new grades. Truth is , it doesnt matter who else got what, focus on finishing your own requirments first. Remember that we all stand an equal chance so whoever may be asked for a different request is probably related to their profile which is ofcourse different from yours.


When my 2020 applied, some postponed applicants were admitted in the first wave of RD acceptances (that wave was end of January that year) without completing the requested ECI/LOCI or submitting midterm grades. So remember it is only one small piece of the puzzle.


Hi, did your son get accepted to sport management? I have heard it is so hard to get into the program and they reserve those spots to recruited athletes.

interesting and go figure! we were totally expecting deferral given our D19 kid who is there now. To our overwhelming surprise, she got in. i thought it was s likely due to current sibling legacy. oh well
 who knows how they do it! best of luck and hope it’s yes in the next wave!

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Hi does anyone know how to submit the mid-year report to Umich? On Enrollment Connect I’m able to submit letter of interest. There’s no tabs to submit additional material

Yes, where else would you convey that at this point. Put down what feels right for you.

Schools do it differently. Email your counselor /talk with and ask your schools process. This is not the time to assume your school will. Find out.