UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Not at all. They have their reason of the why of what they want.

Talk to your school counselor. Think it has to come from them. Might be uploaded to common app. They will know the process and some schools might do it differently

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Just trying to clarify - if they only asked for a CLOI then there is no need to send midyear grades, correct? Or do they want mid year grades sent in as well?

Good idea to do it sooner than later. S22 is deferred too, and wants to work on it after his Physic C test this coming Wednesday.


@Silver77 - no, he was postponed for Kinesiology. Seeing the earlier posts, and now knowing how hard it is to get into directly, it looks like LSA had more spots open but we didn’t think to go that route. He will send mid-year report and see if postponement turns into a yes.
In the meantime, he’s considering other options! Accepted already to OSU and UGA - both have Kines and Spt Mgmt or Admin. He’s hoping to double major or minor in finance wherever he lands. And still waiting for for FSU - should find out later in Feb.
Did your child apply to other Kinesiology/Sport Management programs?

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My wife applied to just three schools in 1989: UofM, MSU and Miami of Ohio. She was accepted at all three and chose MSU.

Fast forward to last year, where our son applied to seven schools, a very small number compared to some on CC forums. He included two safeties, because one safety in the past sane world equates to two or three in today’s mad world of college admissions.

I think there are several factors causing the current madness. First, with the advent of the Common App it is easier for students to shotgun their applications across the countryside. Only the more selective schools require additional work with school specific essays. Second, as college has become fabulously expensive, students and parents do not see the sense of applying to second and third tier schools, especially in the liberal arts. Thus, more kids are applying to top tier schools, and marginal schools are headed towards insolvency. Third, as colleges move away from requiring standardized tests, decent students with relatively weak SATs or ACTs are applying to universities they knew would have rejected them outright if tests were required. Fourth, as colleges are flooded with applicants they are enacting policies to manage their yield rates and weed out students who are obviously using them as a safety. And fifth, universities are increasingly basing admission on factors other than academic achievement in the name of DEI goals.


My kid OOS test optional got into Sport Management - we got lucky - Probably would have gone a different route if we has fully considered the issue of athletes and the School of Kinesiology!

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My daughter got an invitation to be a part of leaders and best panel on 04/07/2021
When she attended it she figured out that she was the only one invited from our state(MA) and the program had a total of 100 students 1 or 2 from every state and remaining from MI.
The session was held on April 15th 2021
And the Scholarship of Honor 20k/year was awarded on 04/25/2021
The criteria was to maintain a GPA of 3.0

I hope the timeline helps.


Congrats to all already accepted, and for those of us still waiting for postponement, good luck to all!
From his school (OOS PA), my son also heard of one friend postponed (LSA) and two friends accepted. For the two accepted, one had perfect ACT and SAT scores, and the other had perfect SAT. Both 4.0 UW. Not sure of the school accepted.

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Is the SCOIR system that school counselor uses the same as “through the common app”- does anyone know? I ask because our school automatically sends first trimester grades to all schools students have applied to using SCOIR. however, it seems like some schools (Michigan is one) that the trimester grades do not show up in the portal. does Michigan “turn off” accepting those somehow until after EA round?

Yes, my daughter applied to University of Florida (decision expected next month), Syracuse (decision expected in March), UNC (waitlisted). She was accepted to Wisconsin and Pitt for data analytics and SUNY Binghamton School of Management and Maryland L&S. First choice is Michigan and then Syracuse because she really wants sport analytics. She wouldn’t even look at OSU bc of the Michigan rivalry. Still hoping for UM but wondering if she should have applied to LSA and transferred as a sophomore. Some of my daughter’s friends got into SM directly from high school. Two applied to other colleges and transferred as sophomores. Hoping for the best. Good luck to your son!

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I had to laugh reading this. My wife started think 1983 so it even changed by the time you went

But Michigan the state, has great colleges. Even today lots just apply to Michigan and Michigan State. But Wayne (where I went plus cc), Oakland, Western, Grand Valley etc etc. So many great choices. Not every state is like that. I laugh when local kids don’t know how good the colleges are there.


Congrats to your kid! Do you mind sharing his stats and whether he had any ECs related to SM?

Thanks for your valuable suggestions. May I know how did you submit your mid-year report?. I see only 250 words of LOCI space. I wonder if have missed any link to upload the mid-year report. I also see that the mid-year report needs to submit by the counselor through common-app. Please elaborate on how did you upload your mid-year report. meanwhile, I will check with my counselor and possibly with Michigan admissions as well. Thanks.

We have not - which is different from my other two boys. They received a follow up email the same night.

Thanks for this info! And congrats to your daughter! What a great honor! When did she commit to UMich? Before or after these opportunities?

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My son’s school also automatically sends mid-year reports to all the schools students apply to. We looked at his Michigan app in the Common App and under Recommenders and Ferpa, it shows that Michigan has downloaded his mid-year report. Take a look at the Common App and see if you find something similar.


Test optional
7 AP end of junior year / 13 by end of senior year
AP scholar with distinction
3.82 unweighted
Max rigor for high school classes
Solid EC
Good essay
No sport management related activities
Varsity athlete soccer

Thank you! Before the scholarship as an OOS it was tough so we didn’t commit as she had several T25 offers. But after reading more and interacting with people from UMich she really loved it and the 80K tilted the decision in it’s favor. She is having a blast at UMich, best decision ever!