UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

thank you!!! appreciate the help!

Did she have to fill out additional applications to be considered for this? Thanks for the info!

You’re very welcome! Probably a good idea to check in with your guidance counselor as well! Best of luck!

I feel like @sushiritto would have info on this, so TIA- does the 2/18 date (or around then, whenever the first RD wave will come) consist of mostly postponed EA, RD, or a mix of both?

also- I believe I only have a space for the ECI form & NO request for additional grades. does this have any meaning?

I submitted them through the common app and then umich downloaded them. That also meant that they were sent to all other unis listed on my common app. I was okay with that but if ur not then maybe you should separately mail the grades to umich.

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Amazing! Our high school doesn’t even offer so many AP classes. Congrats! Still hoping my daughter will make it in the next round. UM is her first choice! GO BLUE :blue_heart::yellow_heart:!

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the same way as @Varada_Rohokale

No, they decide on the basis of common app application


It will be both but in reality lots of EA kids get accepted in this phase. On CC you should see this but in real life it’s a mix of both and don’t think there are breakdowns for this.

Just send what they ask you for. There is no hidden meaning.

As stated above some of you will send things in and still get accepted before they even get it. I am sure there are EA applications they couldn’t get to and just a few more weeks to get caught up.

Common App and test optional are clearly the top two reasons we have this madness. It has accelerated over the last few years, but really, it is 20 years in the making. I have no idea the solution, but it doesn’t seem sustainable.


Don’t sleep on Wisconsin’s Data program. They are breaking ground on a new building to house the entire program.

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you too!!

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Will the acceptances on 2/18 only be for students that applied to Ross or others as well?

If your student was deferred and is writing a letter of continuing interest- advise from FB

  1. Don’t write or send it in rashly. I’d wait a week. That will help him/her get thoughts together and/or think of more to say or even come up with something different to talk about throughout the week when the pain/hurt isn’t so fresh.
  2. Write about something new,something that isn’t already in their application, or expand on an activity that was in the application, but didn’t get to be fully explained in the previous essays.
    A new sr year honor, an activity that demonstrates interest in whatever was put as the intended major, a cool activity, volunteer opportunity, or anything else they’ve done this year OR that wasn’t expounded upon in the original application because there wasn’t room. Meaning- tell a unique story that’s fresh, not repetitive- they already have that info.
  3. Is it truly their first choice? If so, tell them. Repeat that if it was in the application. Perhaps expound more on why it’s his first choice
  4. On the same subject- show something unique about the university that can’t possibly be done at another university. It could be a professor whose research is uniquely tied to life goals. It could be a program, that no other school offers. This will require research. If UM really is the first choice, it’s worth it to spend time learning about it to write well about the opportunity.
  5. Use the word count. Be succinct and clear, be careful of saying too much or using too many filler words. You only have a certain amount of words. Make each one count.

It certainly can be a mix of both EA deferred apps, now considered RD, and “2/1 submitted” RD apps. But IMO, the vast majority tend to be from the EA deferred pool.

One, from a CC historical perspective, not that many “2/1 submitted” applicants seem to be post here year-in-year out, but very small sample size, of course. Two, Michigan has had the EA deferred apps since 11/1, so they’ve gone through the 2-3 reviews already. I mean, if I’m an AO, I’d prefer that pile (11/1) over the other pile (2/1). Three, IMO again, getting your app in by 11/1 shows more “demonstrated interest” in Michigan than taking an extra 3 months to submit an “2/1 submitted” RD app.

Again, this is my speculation, since Michigan doesn’t publish the stats of 11/1 vs. 2/1.


thank you so much. hoping for the best :pray: :four_leaf_clover:

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Thank you!

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Heard people were talking about Umich didn’t have the time to go through all EA applications. Think it kind of explain why all of my kid’s friends from his school were postponed. They review applications from the same school at once? But my sample size is small. It is only from my kid’s friend circle.

Great Advice!

OOS Asian International.
3.73 UW / 1550 SAT.
Average course-load, slightly above-average ECs.
Decent essays.