UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Did Umich reject anyone in EA

It’s not a correction, because yours is an opinion, just like mine. :slight_smile:

I won’t digress with a UCLA discussion in the MIchigan thread though. Moving on.


This is the Michigan forum. But the UCLA Alumni Scholarship app deadline is 3/5 and getting that email doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been admitted. And UCLA releases decisions later in the month.

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I am in agreement with the comments you made regarding Umich. The point is that other colleges rapidly referring applicants to regents isn’t an indication that all apps have been read. Guess we’ll have to leave it there.

The Regent’s process is described as a “holistic, please read the scholarship descriptions. “Holistic” to me doesn’t equal “rapid referral.” Sorry.

The final selection is holistic, that’s why they ask for additional essays and interviews. The initial referrals are not holistic - they are GPA and rigor driven. Any level of holistic analysis is within the context of a smaller pool that’s entirely made of 4.0 GPAs

Okay, there are no kinesiology majors — sports management or otherwise — on the basketball team. I am sure you are likely right about Eli Brooks, but he is now a grad student.

I am sure you are right that there are kinesiology majors of one kind or another.

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Just based on my two kids and their UC results and scholarship invites, etc., I know there’s more to it than just high GPA and test scores.

Per UCLA website:

To bring it back to Michigan, they have self-driving and parking cars today, I think computers and their programs are advanced enough that they can sift and sort through 55,000 +/- EA apps in hours or days and then have AO’s review, at each school, those same 55,000 +/- EA apps between 11/02/2021 and 1/28/2022. They were likely done at least a week in adavnce, because that’s when everyone’s screens turned black with the message.

Pre-pandemic, Michigan performed the EA process before Xmas. That’s about a 7-8 week process. Now they’re just lazy. :wink:

I’m ready to move on, but if you want the last word, please proceed.


For those of you writing the LOCI this may offer some insight into how UM views it and why it is there. It’s not a new component but there was some confusion in the past whether or not everyone was asked to do it and it sounds like now they have made it a standard feature for all students who are postponed.


Yes, thank you!

Suburban NY high school - 30 applied, so far we’ve heard 2 got in, but none to COE.

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In state but international (top 5 HS in MI)
4.0 UW / 4.4 W
36 ACT / 1590 SAT
~13 APs (mostly 5s), various leadership positions
Ok essays



Someone knows about the specific deadline for Umich Regular Decision? I mean the specific timezone. I know that it is Feb 1st, but cannot see the time of the deadline.

UMich uses the common app - so that means it’s Feb 1 11:59pm in your timezone.

Ohh All right!! Thank you!

For postponed students- did everyone receive a 250 word space that says ‘provide additional information for yourself’ ?
For me, There is no actual essay prompt, not asking for grades or Rec letter etc.

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My child just received the LSA Honors invite. For those with longevity with UMich, does everyone receive this–they say only 1 in 10 are accepted. Any insight would be appreciated.


For those asking about the postponement messages. This is what my son’s page looks like. If you notice the ask for fall grades is under the messages section, and the LOCI info is under the Resolve section. If you click the link for Expression of Continued Interest Form, it takes you to a page where you can paste in a 250 word essay expressing your continued interest.


Thank you so much for posting this. My daughter submitted a nice LOCI this weekend and when I saw the ‘values’ essay prompt I panicked that she somehow didn’t read the prompt correctly. This process is so stressful!

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