UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Yield protection maybe!
We have similar issues

My kid received an email from their admissions rep
It stated over 53 K EA apps this year


Last year, Class of 2025, Michigan extended the EA deadline to 11/16/2020 as well. I’m not sure how that plays into it for this year’s applicants.

The major RD waves in 2020 (Class of 2024) were on: January 31, 2020, February 28, 2020 and March 27, 2020.

And the Ross BBA release dates in 2020 (Class of 2024) followed that schedule exactly: January 31, 2020, February 28, 2020, March 27, 2020 and April 17, 2020.

Obviously, there won’t be a release today (1/31), but what schedule they follow this year is a ?

accepted into LSA, waiting to hear from Ross. But the honors application is due before the results, anyone have insight into this

rigourous classes 4.0 unweighted, 4.7 weighted
11 Ap’s 5’s
good essay, good rec’s

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I am curious about this as well. If my DD is hoping for Ross, should she apply for Honors LSA or LSA scholarships? Would any of the benefits transfer with a Ross acceptance? I’m not sure she should spend her time on LSA honors/scholarship if it’s not helpful in Ross.

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I think it was last year’s prompt for postponed kids.

Are we supposed to call/email admission counselor to show interest?

Did anybody from central/southern NJ got accepted to LSA?

Does anybody have info about LSA honors? Is it worth applying? What benefits does the program offer?

If postponed there was a way to add a Letter of Continued Interest that is due I think mid-Feb. I believe it’s optional, but highly recommended.

Thanks. I meant along with that, Should we personally call the admission officer?

The main perk is South Quad. And that’s a BIG perk. There are other perks, such as your own Honors advisor, you’re own floor and lounge in South Quad, some reduced size classes and reserved spots in other classes.

Just my opinion, but Honors isn’t “a thing” at Michigan, say like at Schreyer at Penn State, Michigan State or Barrett at Arizona State.

One other thing, graduating with honors is different than being in the Honors program:

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Speaking of housing ?
Any advice regarding that or good resources to begin the process of figuring it out ?
Since my kid will be in Kineseology/Sport Management- I assume Central or South Campus if possible would be best?

As far as I know, LSA scholarships would not transfer over to Ross.

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There are some YouTube videos on the topic as well.

I attempted an estimated calculation of the probability of being assigned Central Campus housing, once upon a time, and I think I came up with somewhere around between a 40/60 to 30/70 chance at Central Campus housing based upon the number of units in each location and the fact that Honors and athletes (around 300-ish freshman recruits) are placed in South Quad.

LLC’s receive Central Campus housing as well, but there are other housing options for them, besides South Quad.

The Hill is very close to Central Campus and has very nice accommodations and the MoJo (Mosher Jordan) dining hall is excellent.

@Knowsstuff 's son lived on North Campus, after his freshman year in West Quad, so he can tell you about North Campus housing. My D was also in West Quad freshman year, but always lived near campus post-freshman year.

I’ve not been to North Campus.

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I have the same question, but today my daughter talked to her counselor at school and asked that question (about a different school). He’s an ex AO from Ohio State and he said calling them doesn’t change anything. That being said I know I would have a hard time resisting the urge to call :grinning:

From the FAQ for postponed students
“If you would like to submit additional information, our preference is to receive only the ECI form, grade updates, or any specifically requested information. Anything outside of this will not impact your final decision.The Expression of Continued Interest form is NOT required for consideration in our process”

The best thing that happened to my kid was Oxford Housing. We were initially very upset with the placement. But soon realized that she is paying way less for a quad than other people.
It’s next to frats and sororities so social scene is very good. Twigs on request make special meals for people with dietary restrictions and is not crowded at all. Very close to housing. The buses make is very easy plus the walk to central campus is about 10 minutes. She has made amazing friends as it’s very small so everyone knows everyone and you can’t be left out.
So in short it doesn’t matter where you end up as every place has it’s perks.


“Additional information Will not impact their decision “

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I am not sure about the deadline - someone on the UM facebook page told me it was later than 2/1 - it should be listed somewhere in an email to you or on the portal.

I shared this because it seemed to shed some light as to why they were making it an option for applicants. My son applied last year EA and was postponed, accepted in late April. We had no direction on what they were looking for and it seemed like not everyone got the option of sending in a LOCI. This year it looks like they are making it a standard part of the application.