UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I am seeing Deadline is 2/21 not 2/1.

The article doesn’t reflect the most accurate reporting by student paper!

The deadline is 2/21 - not 2/1. They’ve stated this clearly in the application portal.

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No. You will just give them extra work to do and they are going to be swamped. Fill out the forms in your portal

So my son graduated with engineering honors and never was in the honors program as an example.

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Answer the questions and give information per your own portal not a link. This shouldn’t be this confusing. Your portal has the information that pertains to you individually. Don’t worry what somebody else’s portal says.

If any confusion call or talk too your school counselor


Agreed. It was clearly stated what is necessary, what is optional, and what is unnecessary. And when everything was due.

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You don’t pick housing per se it picks you… Just look at the room configurations and see what makes sense.

As stated some LLCs are great. Look into them. All competitive and think need another essay. Those will land you on central campus.

There are religious reason to be on central campus also. Those will need another essay and confirmation.

Engineering kids sophomore year have most their classes on North campus. You don’t have to live on North Campus. The bus is 12 minutes to central. Lots of kids take the bus to North but live on Central. My son liked North as well as Central. Both he got to class’s in like 10 minutes. North is very, very quite. Great for a stressed out engineering kid… Lol. North has deer you might see on your way to class. He actually passed a man made Lake and like lots of tree’s. Did I mention it was very quite?

North has a main area for kids to hang out in like Central. North to me is more surburban feel. Walking across the street to an outside mall for different eateries. He took a bus (no car) to go to Kroger etc. Central is more city feel with everything around you.

He grew up in Chicago taking a train 25 minutes to a bus 10 minutes each way to go to school unless I drove him… Lol. So taking a 12 minute bus was nothing to him.

You also meet people on the bus,standing in line etc. He met a kid and they went to games together… Etc…

When sophomore year started he liked that everything was in one place on North. His freshman year he was a ref and umpire (they pay well through Michigan) so he took the bus to North for the games. Just not a big deal

You need to talk to honors to find out if it’s something you want to do. My son never thought he missed out not having extra work to do. He graduated with honors due to his GPA at Michigan and never took an honors course.

Graduating from Michigan is going to get you a job and more importantly what you do on campus. I don’t think you will get a better job because you took honor courses if that makes sense. But call and find out. It might speak to you differently.

Anyone here that applied to Engineering and have completed the interview? I applied to Engineering and had interview 8 days before the admission result came out. I was postponed. I am out of state in one of the top ranking private schools in CA. Based on prior years’ admission data, students in my stats range, 95% all got in the first round, although may be varied schools. A few postponed but admitted. Not sure if my postponement has anything to do with my Interview timing or just I am not competitive enough during EA round.


anyone get the UMICH Regents scholarship and email from Ross just now?

The CoE interview is informative, not evaluative. That means it is not used in the admissions decision

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For admitted students, have you guys received any emails for Mich yet? All I’ve gotten is one telling me to apply to LSA honors.

Zero correlation…my son had a great interview with Cornell. They connected on different levels. He was rejected like the next week or so (with everyone else lol).

Don’t read into any of this with 53,000 apps they can’t take everyone and your still in the game. It’s just a delay at this point.

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a ross update + a message from adm counselor + regents

Trust me… You will get plenty of emails from Michigan. They evidently have your email address. Congrats.

My son received this - it was not through Ross though - it was through LSA.

Anyone else who got into Michigan and also applied to Ross have both applications showing up in the portal now?

If you don’t get Ross with engineering (not easy to do) their entrepreneurship minor is amazing, plus you can try Ross as a minor but hard to get

My son just turned in his LOCI. Will have to wait till 2/14 for the grades to be finalized. @Knowsstuff & @sushiritto Would you also recommend sending mail to the regional admission representative? Thx