UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Too early for changing tabs. In Few weeks, yes.

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oh okay I didn’t realise that , thank you so much

Thanks to all the great information that you share on this board. Wanted your opinion on this:

Since University of Michigan recalculates gpa on a scale of 4 how does it account for course rigor of a student? Since B+ in AP class is not the same as B+ in a honors or core class.

They released on 1/29 last year not 1/23 (you can look at the Class of 2025 EA thread and see everyone posting their results on 1/29). So if they stick with the same schedule it will be 1/28 this year.


Academic rigor is considered “very important” in the CDS, along with GPA, but besides “holistic review,” the “scoring” of a student’s rigor is unknown to us. But it is taken into account for sure.


Thank you as always very informative

So a little bird told me that decisions may come out tomorrow. With all the changes over the past year, and COVID, I don’t know what to expect. But my Daughter would be quite excited if they do! We are local to Ann Arbor, so 
 It could be some good info!

Decisions normally come out around 3 pm ET historically?

((taps foot))


I was thinking it is too early to feed the rumor mill
We have not even started the portal tea leave reading :slight_smile:
Joking aside the earlier the better, the wait is killing us !


Well, you’re not a site newbie, so maybe, who knows. Local scuttlebutt, lends some credence. And I hope so for everyone here.

Yes, if there’s a typical time of day, 3:00 PM EST is a pretty good guess. Last year was 2:50 PM EST.

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This is from the rumor mill about a parent that works there
 but alas, anything can happen!
Hugs to everyone!


The old theory of “let’s release decisions before a long weekend, so no one is around to answer the telephone,” kinda makes your post appear legit! :smile:

And then also Ross BBA posted their decision dates TODAY, with the 1st decisions coming about 5 weeks from tomorrow!

"Below are the following days in 2022 when we plan to share admission decisions. Decisions will arrive by email after 5 p.m. EST/EDT on the following Fridays:

Feb. 18, 2022
March 18, 2022
April 15, 2022"


Really hoping the January 14th thing ends up being true, feeling incredibly nervous and I want my results like now. The waiting game is killing me!


Yikes! The idea of tomorrow is kind of terrifying.

Does anyone get rejected EA? Seems like last years thread is full of deferrals, but I didn’t notice any rejections.

Yes, there are rejections in EA, but you won’t find many rejections here, because the applicants and/or the parents of applicants that post here skew high stats.

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OK, thanks.

Is it true that they tend to defer most high stat students, especially OOS, because they don’t want to provide an acceptance to someone who (in their opinion) will likely get accepted by a higher ranked college?

At least, that’s what I’ve heard. If it’s true - do those deferred kids have a strong chance of acceptance in RD?

Doesn’t the landing page in enrollment connect undergo update (based on last year) before the results were released?

It would be nice if it were tomorrow, but it seems odd that “late January” would suddenly turn into mid January.

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Yes, we’ve had very little “portal tea leave reading” using @nervous_dad 's terminology. EC, and Wolverine Access before it, does typically get some update(s), so that may or may not happen this year. I’d hope that the CS gurus at Michigan could make a portal that doesn’t need to be updated prior to a decision, but :man_shrugging:

It’s “by late January.” :+1:

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