UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

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Thank you, thatā€™s helpful. Iā€™m just wondering if there is any benefit in talking to the Regional Admissions Counselor at this time or if that time has passed?

I am of the belief that the college has everything it needs to make its decisions. Every applicant to a selective college will have accomplishments which occur after submission. AOs know that, but they donā€™t want to be inundated with minor updates from thousands of applicants.

So does that mean that one should not submit updates? No. Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying. But one needs to be judicious. If itā€™s something that made the nationally-read papers (and not just the local free weekly) like an Academy Award nomination (or similar prestigious achievement), include on the update. If itā€™s to tell them that you were elected softball captain, had another 4.0 quarter (or anything at the school level Including MVP), donā€™t.


I doubt many colleges would go for this. They want as many applicants as possible to appear more selective.

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This black screen shows up when my son goes to the portal via the web since he was postponed. If he clicks through his email link it shows up as the normal portal screen.

Hmm, interesting! Thanks for sharing that.

I think my D has only one link for her portal. Can you elaborate on what you mean by ā€œvia the webā€? Thanks.

And, does it still say ā€œā€¦no later than the end of January.ā€?

is he waiting for ross or waiting for a decision after deferral? I hope this is a good sign for tomorrow!

And here I sent out an email blast to every college after D21 was voted team captain last year of her Spring sport. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (kidding)

Some can really know a school well. On a virtual call with multiple colleges for our high school, one AO referenced a specific teacher who is known for his level of difficulty. So if they have been around long enough and your school is known to them, they might have really good insight re: your applicants.

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How would AOs know which teacher an applicant was taught by? In my sonā€™s school, there are more than 1 teachers per course. And this info canā€™t be gleaned from the transcript.

Iā€™m sure it depends on the school. At my sonā€™s school, there are certain AP/Honors classes that are only taught by 1 teacher.

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Do we think that decisions are coming out tomorrow?

A wave of Ross decisions are scheduled to be released tomorrow, so we are sort of hopeful that another round of general admissions decisions will come out tomorrow since they have piggybacked Ross decisions in previous years.


I really hope so. if anyone has heard any rumors, stuff from guidance counselors, any opinions etc. PLEASE share :slight_smile:

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Our school is tiny, the teacher has been there more than 30 years and teaches Latin. That college has an excellent classics program so no surprise they knew the Latin teacher. Most of our subjects have only a single teacher or at most 4 sections, so usually 2 teachers. School has very little turnover. Very different than a large public.
Iā€™m not sure if the teachers name is on the transcript. I think it might be. But in this case, doesnā€™t matter.

Yeah I can see how the AO can figure out in this case. Ours is a large public so a completely different experience.

Question with waves. If youā€™ve been postponed, some people will hear with each wave and others will get nothing? or will there be some rejections in the waves as well? a student doesnā€™t get postponed multiple times, correct? itā€™s some admittances, some nothing with each wave until April when all the rest of the rejections come? seems like many of you know a lot more about this than I do so I just thought I would ask!

In each wave the possible outcomes for each postponed applicant are:

  • no update (i.e. continue to remain ā€œpostponedā€)
  • accepted
  • denied
  • waitlisted

@sushiritto has mentioned a couple of times upthread that the first wave tends to be majority acceptances with very few denials/WLs, more of a mix in subsequent waves, and mostly denials/WLs in the last wave.


Is anybody else getting " ā€¦ no later than the end of January"?