UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

thank you!

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Not my son.

I don’t see “end of January” or a black screen when logging in.

My son was postponed. Got a full ride scholarship. Sent loci with this info. Do you think they’ll consider this in their decision? Coe oos

5:00 pm can’t come fast enough. Good luck to the Ross applicants today. Remember Ross is just one avenue into the business world at Michigan. If not accepted do a deeper dive in all that Michigan has to offer someone going into business and opportunities.

To everyone else we wait and see if history proves us right. Good luck.

GPA unweighted
Instate or OOS

Today’s results will be accepted, denied or wait listed.

If not accepted today into Ross but accepted into a home school your still in the running for Ross. You might get no notification as above. Just hang in there. Getting accepted into Ross is random. It might happen in March or April.

Good luck, be supportive and Go Blue.


Congrats on the full ride but where to? Which scholarship? Is it for any school he gets accepted to?

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Do you think they’ll take private scholarships to consideration?

It’s a private scholarship u mich is on the list of their 21 colleges. Thanks

That’s awesome! Well, it can’t hurt… Lol My son’s friends got some of the same scholarships. Great to know he’s going to college and it’s affordable regardless where he ends up… Good Luck.


hey! good luck to all Ross applicants today! has anyone heard any new news or rumors about an LSA wave today? anyone live chat them?

has anyone seen their portal change yet?

Our GC said he could delay sending in grades (one slipped a tad, ugh) BUT there are other kids from his school who also applied to UM and they would all be sending in grades. So not sending would be a clear red flag. He advised that a half grade slip was not optimal but not deadly, and the comparison to peer applications was worse. Son’s mid-year grades were sent, needless to say.

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I’d be surprised if there was an RD wave today. Based on the timing and changes over the past few years, I would expect 2022 to mirror last year’s schedule- which would result in the first wave appearing in a few weeks, not today. Obviously could be wrong (and hope I am), as UM has literally changed every year during the pandemic, but not holding out hope D gets any news today.

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My son recently had a couple of big athletic wins and had already submitted his LOCI as well. His GC was planning to write the regional admissions officer anyway to stress my son’s interest and reaffirm the school’s support, and he included these updates in his letter.


For those with GCs willing and able, I believe this is the best path. Shields the student, as the relationship between GC and AO is continual and not as singularly transactional. Also puts pressure on the GC to be honest- if they continually tell an AO that UM is a “top choice” for a student and students then do not enroll after being admitted, it heavily weakens future applicants. So the AO can more comfortably accept qualified applicants knowing the yield will likely be in excess of average.

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Probably not an option for my son as I don’t think he knows his guidance counselor. Very large public school and he was assigned a new counselor twice in the past few years. Thank you for the constructive advice.

has anyone who applied to ross seen any kind of changes to their portal, considering that ross decisions are pretty certain to be coming out in 6-7 hours?

i’m well aware this might be wayy reading into things i thought to point it out in case but i applied coe (oos) and got deferred but when i reload my portal once i log in i see a display glitch for a split second. might just be on my end though. again, i know it’s probably reading into things, but no harm in pointing it out in case anyone else also sees the same thing!

No changes. I think portal will show decision at 5 or between 3 and 5. Email will be sent at or after 5.

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has anyone done a live chat with an AO to confirm a release today?


seconding this question

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