UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Thanks for the inside information!

Yeh, given the breaking news this morning, U Mich has its hands full!


I don’t think the president’s firing will hold up admissions decisions.


This made me smile.
So you don’t think he was helping to sort through applications :slight_smile:


It was more expected then anything. Not really shocking at all. Shameful but not surprising but the temp President is excellent so their in good hands.


@sushiritto @knowstuff sorry to ask this may be buried earlier in this post but do either of you know last January if there were postponements like it used to be in December and if so, what % do you recall hearing or seeing were postponed- I know this is a skewed sample but still curious-I know they release a lot at once last January but I wasn’t following as I didn’t have skin in the game. Thanks

meant to say @Knowsstuff

@sushiritto is the Stat man
 He will respond but they usually take about 1/2 the freshman class from the EA depending on how many actually accept. So after this round you are postponed (deferred). Some might get rejected but it would be minimal.

Total apps went from around 65,000 to 80,000 and the bulk of that app increase were EA apps. So, in terms of the overall EA app population, certainly there were WAY more deferrals than prior years.

I didn’t tally anything from last year, or the prior class (2024), but, if memory serves, for posts here on CC, my “naked eye” would say that the acceptance-to-deferral rate was at least 50/50, maybe more in favor of acceptances. Yep, it’s a very skewed sample here on CC.

Just to be clear - are you saying only a small % of deferred applicants are rejected? Or, are you saying only a small % of EA applicants are rejected outright?

I just went to check my portal and was directed to a page that reads “Early action decisions are currently being processed. You will receive an email when your decision has been released, no later than the end of January.”

I am unable to navigate to the portal I was seeing earlier today. Could this mean that decisions are coming out sooner than we had guessed?


So this was posted on a parent Facebook page. “I am a UofM Parent and Alumni and a Alumni Student Recruiter (ASR). The update we recently received just conveyed decisions expected by late January. Please note that 53K applications were submitted for Early Action. Sorry but no additional information is available. “

Sleuthing last years page in this forum I found over 55k early apps last year. The person also replied they were expecting 55k.

Just sharing data.

Perhaps the crazy numbers of apps are stabilizing or it’s wishful thinking

portal change anyone?



Any idea when the portal changed last year in relation to decisions being released


I just stalked the forum from last year and it looks like it changed four days before decisions came out (according to what people were posting). So, their portal changed on January 25th (Monday) and decisions came out the 29th (Friday). :slight_smile:


So looks like we could be getting decisions this Friday? :slight_smile:

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I’m no expert and don’t want to jinx anything
 but, if the pattern holds, it really looks like it. :))


This IS the portal change that we have seen in the past.

The regular portal is not there. The whole page is black and says “Early action decisions are currently beng processed. You will receive an email when your decision will be released, no later than the end if January”

Before a similar message was under Messages. In the portal. Now the Maize and Blue portal with application info, withdraw buttons, etc are not there. It is only a black screen with words above.

That is the portal change so.I suspect it will be this Weds., Thurs., Or Friday.

Thoughts from the group and elders? :wink:


My son got his EA decision last year on Friday 1/29. He was “postponed”. As I recall, there were very few people who were declined - kids who didn’t get in were mostly “postponed” - at least in our CC forum.

Following that email many were given the option to fill out a letter of continued interest (LOCI). I recall there were some people on CC forum that did not get the option of the LOCI but I think most people did, my son included. (yes, definitely do the LOCI)

My son was accepted but had to wait until late Spring when they announced RD decisions.