UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

My son went to a public and my daughter to a tiny high school,private. Both did an exceptional job getting us ready and the kids met with their counselors a few times each year and with us twice or as needed. They uploaded all the kids grades and sent them automatically so you better not slacking in senior year :wink:. All recommendations had to be asked by like March of junior year so the teachers had time. They were not templated recommendations. Etc.

They are very nice. Their exceptional. Just giving the rule of thumb. There might of been a reason they referred you to them also. Lots of parents go overboard thinking their helping their kids chances.

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I was referring 100% to timeline. A full month later for their process has added a ton of stress. They used to inform a select few prior to New Year’s, and then the next two rounds would occur prior to almost all of the RD rounds (adjacent or similar in timing to other EA). You pretty much knew you were in or not in UM before your RD. Now, applying EA to UM for most people is no different than applying RD to any school. Fine
except they have a fairly intensive application and ask for it to be submitted alongside ED and other schools that inform everyone WAY earlier in just about every case.


S22 was also bombarded with emails from Case Western. We we would constantly joke about our best friend Bob. When S22 withdrew his app, we noticed that the email confirming the withdrawal was signed by Robert. He was no longer Bob!


Our D’s HS sent a request out a few years back to recently graduated students. They offered some non-financial incentives to these alum, asking them if they’d be willing to review their applications and report back with any notes or comments alongside. It was fairly interesting, though since you’re not allowed to take notes or leave with anything the school understood it should be taken with a huge grain of salt. But data points are data points.

Rigor was noted for most very selective schools, but more on the side of lack thereof. I think one kid at UVA had a non-AP class circled or noted (why not AP?) on the side. Two UM kids reported back, basically with very little info. One said there were positive marks around one of her essays and the other said an EC was starred. The excercise our guidance department walked through was to primarily demonstrate that the common data set was fairly accurate with respect to what that school was looking for. Except for two things- legacy and race. They believed there were tons of schools that weighted both of those factos MUCH more than they admitted in the data set, but for pr reasons did not admit. Not sure if that has changed since, though I suspect it likely has to some extent.


Very interesting. This data is so useful.

The anecdata (we are veering far off the topic here) is that Harvard seems to care the most about legacy, even without large donations. Legacy admissions have the grades, rigorous courses, scores but don’t have to have outstanding ECS.

Penn/Cornell/Yale not so much unless there are multimillion dollar donations.

I have always heard that for Penn, if a legacy doesn’t apply ED then legacy actually counts against them. Legacy does matter some in ED, but if Penn sees a legacy applying RD they kind of penalize the applicant. I have a couple of friends who are alums and their kids didn’t apply at all because they weren’t willing to do so ED.

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Yes, this is true. But Penn rejects a great number of legacies (so the grapevine goes).


Wow, these tactics from CWRU have been a serious turn off for my DD. We haven’t unsubscribed but it also seems like they have added her and us to every email list and she is getting emails about medical or engineering programs while she applied to astrophysics. So we have been tempted to unsubscribe! She was a high stats kid that was deferred in December and she didn’t want to do ED2.


Totally agree. At this point they know enough to have applied, stop trying to sell them until you tell them if you are accepting them or not. The case emails are extreme.

I am surprised nobody is talking about decisions this week, or am I in the wrong thread?


The prevailing sentiment is that no decisions will be released this week.


Friday would be 4 weeks from EA and it’s the last Friday of February. So, let’s discuss it as a possibility.


Hey all. Let’s get our focus back to UMich (and our favorite past time: speculating about decision dates :slightly_smiling_face:).

All further posts about CWRU emails should be on:


I very much look forward to that possibility! :sunglasses:


Is it basically confirmed that they will release on a rolling basis up until the beginning of April? If so, are there usually more acceptances in the beginning rollouts and it decreases until April? I’m just thinking that an acceptance in early April would only allot 3 weeks for us to tour/decide.

we were pegging the following Friday- 3/4- as the likeliest. There’s precedent in 4 weeks from initial EA?

When is the next Ross round again?

March 18

Would like for it to be this Friday too. I have twins who only cross-applied to 3 of the same schools - two UCs and UM. The one that has UM as one of his top two choices is the one that was postponed. The twin that was admitted in January would be perfectly happy attending UM depending on the RD results of other schools. The one that was admitted in January wants his twin to get admitted ASAP so he can stop feeling guilty about being admitted :rofl:


Are they identical? If so, problem solved. :shushing_face: