UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Haha! No they aren’t identical and even less so personality-wise. The one that was postponed would not give a you know what if he had been admitted and his brother had been postponed :joy:

One year, last year, may or may not be the precedent. I dunno. There were two releases in March 2021, Fridays 3/5 and 3/26. So, that’s 3 weeks apart, which seems unusual to me. But what do I know.

I can make a reasonable case, maybe it’s a weak one from the POV of others :grinning:, for every 4 weeks, like the “old days,” when they released on or about 2/1, 3/1 and 4/1. There were RD releases, in the past, on the last Friday of the month.

So what do you think about this schedule?

1st RD release = Friday, February 25
2nd RD release = Friday, March 25

Seems logical to me, but maybe not probable. :man_shrugging:

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Yes, logical and reasonable.
However, I have a feeling it’s going to be the following Friday 3/4.

That’s all it is - a “feeling”. Nothing to back it up. :grin:

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I keep thinking since UIUC comes out this Friday that will be enough to hold us over until whenever we get UMich, lol.


Also, if they released on 3/4, their second release could be Friday April 1, making them 4 weeks apart.

An April Fool’s Day release. That would be most excellent.


So, on April 1st if you get an email from UMich saying you’re accepted - should you believe it? :thinking:


hi! what are we thinking about a release on friday? I know live chats have said that there won’t be releases until march though

not likely, my guess is friday 3/4

For EA postponed applicants, let’s say they get a Ross admit on 4/15, won’t UM lose students who have fallen in love with other schools who have admitted them? For example, I myself am losing interest as I am attending other colleges admitted events, etc.

We have already lost interest.


Probably but when you have so many applicants they will fill all their spots. The one’s that really want to attend if accepted, will. Plus other schools will lose students to Michigan since May 1st is when you have to notify the schools. It’s a numbers game and wish all schools would tweak the way they do things.

Yes, Ross BBA, Nursing, Kinesiology, LSA, CoE, etc. will lose applicants, if they’re admitted in April, but how many? And they’ll have a waitlist of hundreds or thousands, depending on the school.

After all, those are some of the best programs, Top 5 or Top 10, in the US. “Those who stay will be champions.” :grinning:


Nothing is confirmed, other than the Ross dates and the latest date. Every Friday has been “maybe this Friday?” since mid-January, and it is certain this will continue through early April.

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Well, I tell you what…I put out the mere suggestion that kids such as that might want to politely pull their UM when they know they’re likely going to HPY but everyone jumped down my throat. I thought I was being nice but it wasn’t received well. So I dropped the subject. And I didn’t pull any of my own apps even though I know where I’m going. Sorry not sorry, at this point. Blame the toxicity of CC or modern day culture, I guess???

I’m not sure which post you’re referring to but you made that suggestion in post 3129 and it generated 25 thumbs up making it one of the most well received posts in this thread. But, you do you.


If you REALLY know where you will be going to school, please pull your other apps. I wish everyone would do so. However, if you have any hesitation about your final decision, leave them be and see how things play out.


Can someone explain to me the 4 week theory? 4 weeks from original EA release date there is a release of decisions?

It does seem UM approaches admissions a bit sideways from other peer institutions. While others attack the process, attempting to secure their preferred applicants and perform a song and dance in an effort to get them to commit…UM seems to kick the can down the road with a “we have a lot of great applicants, and those who want to come will come.”

I will admit the human desire to “feel the love” is inappropriate to expect from a school the size of UM, but the notification process (and lack of clarity) is a bit of a putoff. I mean…they have a very good idea as to when the decision dates are going to be released at this point. I’m certain they have a reason for not sharing, but there’s no adult in the room saying “hey…this is a bit cruel to the students…announcing the dates now would have more of a positive impact than not doing so.”


If they are live apps and you are 100% certain where you are going (and don’t need to wait for financial info, etc.) then this is selfish and will undoubtedly impact other applicants negatively for the schools that accept you. When our D is accepted to schools “above” others in her level of preference, she almost immediately withdraws her application from the schools below- knowing that she would not attend, that she would have been likely to gain acceptance which would have meant someone else might have been denied or waitlisted who may have gotten in.

She said it was a nice feeling to maybe help another student. I understand we live in a world that promotes and often awards selfishness, but charitable and well-meaning actions feel a lot better than those done in the search for the singular purpose of an ego boost.