UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Does your daughter need to respond to another school or can she wait longer to hear from Michigan? I know the waiting is hard (believe me, I am on pins and needles).

Unfortunately, we do have a midnight deadline for today and I may have to be the person pushing her to let go of the bird in the bush for the bird in hand

Was it only instate today? CONGRATS TO ALL!


Any chance out of state gets released later?

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That is unbelievable that you have a deadline today when so many schools haven’t posted notifications yet!


I think the way UM stuck to the schedule for EA (inline with last year) all the other waves are also going to have similar timing. And if that results in 3weeks between two releases so be it.

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That is really unfortunate and I’m not sure it’s appropriate for a school to be pushing her to make a decision by midnight tonight when she doesn’t know all of her options. I am not sure it is even allowed. Ugh!


My DD (international but high school in Michigan) just got accepted to LSA. I’m an LSA ‘89.


Congratulations :tada:

Would you mind sharing when the decision was released today?

Thank you!

It could be ED2, my daughter’s friend has to confirm NYU by March 2


ED2 is binding so if that’s the case, it doesn’t matter what the Michigan decision is.


We have student in my D school, student is admitted to MIT, Oxford - which student says is ‘dream school’ , got yale likely letter and still not withdrawing application even from state school. Student is interviewing for merit scholarships for state school knowing very well that choice is between MIT or Oxford. It just taking chances off the rest of the class in Top30 schools as I heard that first cut region admission officer makes comparing against kids within the same school. How selfish! Sorry I am venting!


kinesiology here. OOS. Deferred EA. Nothing today.

Could there be another wave tonight for oos? Possible at all?

News came today?

My son declined interview for full ride for a college because he knows for certain he is not going there. For a second, he was tempted to give it a shot just to see what happens. Then we talked about it and decided if getting the full ride is not going to change his mind about the college, then why take the spot away from someone who might truly be interested.


No, kinesiology here. No emails, sadly.

That’s amazing. Our D has pulled a few applications in this cycle. She’s in to a school she’s very happy with, and was provided a full ride scholarship to one of her safeties. So she declined offers from a safety and a target that had accepted her, as there’s no chance she would attend. It is a wonderful gesture for these kids to make, whether it impacts another student immediately or not. Understand most cannot do this, as so many factors are being weighed. But for those that can, it’s great.


My D is getting flashbacks from her postponement a month ago. This can’t be good- it’s creating so much anxiety for her, and my heart is aching. Our HS is historically a feeder school - and so far, we know of two that got in today- in state. It doesn’t seem like a “wave”, but who knows. She’s got excellent credentials- back to waiting.

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Yeah! I remember your chance me thread b/c your D22 sounded so similar to mine. So happy for you/her! What a great way to start the weekend!!!