UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

THIS is the cruelty part. Waves that aren’t geographical in nature. How one student from a school might get a decision on a date when another might not- and they both applied at the same time. Creates an unbelievable amount of anxiety.

I get that they’re trying to build a class. But most other schools figure this out.

Apply before November, then get strung along every few weeks beginning in January. It really is a horrible process.


My D22’s close friend got in to LSA today (in-state), but she didn’t… D22 had higher stats and more extracurriculars/internships. She’s devastated and confused. When is the next wave approximated for?

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At 3:22 pm EST today.

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Are there any in-state (or OOS for that matter) deferred EA/Ross acceptances today? Are there any “2/1 RD” admissions today?

I wonder a lot, I know, but I wonder if maybe next Friday 3/4 could be a good time for an OOS wave, because Ross BBA admissions will need their EA deferred/RD admissions files for their next decisions on 3/18. And two weeks to review files seems appropriate.


Do they usually do separate waves for oos and in state?

Nope. Not typically, but for the exception for the Class of 2024, when Michigan went all OOS because everyone decided to stay close to home.

Did you D just not hear anything today? I suspect not hearing does not mean “bad” news - however, it just is producing so much unnecessary anxiety. Good luck to your D - it’s excruciating to wait and feels like this is never going to end.

Doesn’t sound like anyone received a “not admitted” today?

I feel your pain- my D is top 10 in her school with a great app- and she saw over 40 kids in her school get acceptances EA with lower stats- I don’t get it- I really don’t.


No, there was no change in her portal. Just extra added stress…

It’s crazy. Wish you the best of luck!!

Same to you! :pray:t2:

Yes, at 3:21 pm today.

Thank you! Good luck to your D22. Hope she hear the good news soon!

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Out of curiosity, did she schedule a HAIL interview after being postponed?

Special situation ED with a clause to be released by midnight today, but since no movement here we did end up accepting the offer and just pulled our Michigan app with reason “timing of admission offer” to hopefully add to similar messages… Just could not gamble with fewer and fewer slots remaining…Early should mean early, but again strange times…I get it…Wish all of those who are still waiting anxiously the best of luck…!


All the best to your daughter!

Hearty congratulations to you and your D on the acceptance (and putting a tough decision behind her). Truly wish she had not been put in that situation.


Where did she accept?

exactly our conversations at home. I wish more students/parents would approach it this way - you can only attend ONE school- if you’ve moved on from a school, then officially move on. Sorry to hear your situation @igana


Hopkins… Now I have to go and find another obsession, but this has been a wild journey…and somewhat addictive I must say :slight_smile: