UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Instructors and students follow the Academic Calendar. So, my D18 is enjoying herself on Spring Break.

The rest of the university follows a more standard “business” calendar, so no Spring Break for employees of the admissions dept., unless they take the time from their vacation pay, which I sincerely doubt they’d allow this time of year. :slight_smile:


There was a release on the 5th last year, so I don’t think that’s the case.

Hi guys it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here. One of my friends who was postponed EA got in last Friday with the HAIL scholarship, not sure if this happened to anyone else but I thought I’d let y’all know.


Would it be possible to elaborate a bit on some of the types of positions the people with soft-skill majors ended up in?

My son (at UVA) found out yesterday he did not get into their Commerce school so he’s at a crossroads figuring out where to pivot.

This year, they’re off. Last year, they weren’t, right? But I definitely hope there is a release this Friday!

Great to hear. In state I assume?
There was a mini wave last Friday but based on all the posts here on CC seems to only have been in state applicants.

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Yes, in-state!

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UVA McIntire is not guaranteed until year 2… I assume your son is not a freshman for 2022?

To be honest…everywhere that Commerce students end up. It’s really that simple. Yes, you’ll have recruiters from IB and other banking poking around at McIntire, but well-rounded students with interesting majors and work product do just fine from excellent schools like UVA (and UM, etc.).

At my old consulting firm, we had a hiring manager that used to always tell students on campus that the most impressive things to him in an interview was an applicant’s ability to speak intelligently about something his or her peers could not. Some companies are looking for plug and play, and they’ll search out whomever on campus fits that profile (often a B-schooler). Many are looking for good fits. They honestly won’t care where the person comes from, as long as they did suitably well, have some relevant experience, and interview well. UVA (again, let’s loop in all of the public Ivies here) is a target for many, and outside of a select few fields general UVA students do just as well in professional services as Commerce kids.


Correct. He’s a current 2nd year.

Thank you for this reassuring prospective!

Ok, so similar question would apply for UMich. Assume DD22 does not get into Ross and decides to double major in Econ and CS - how does the recruiting work at UMich? Are there employers who only do OCR at Ross, or can any student see the job listing and submit CV?

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Others can answer much better than I can about this specific to Ross. The only thing I can say is that there are many thousands of extremely successful proffesionals who came out of LSA.

Ross is amazing, and very specific in preparation and placement. I would venture to guess that it’s probably a bit easier for the student who is not as aggressive in pursuit of their professional goals to go through Ross, but I am confident in saying that impressive students from LSA will have equal opportunities in the vast majority of disciplines. In fact, there are posters on here that have talked extensively about the opportunities created by their or their students’ friends in LSA that have led to fanstastic outcomes.

One thing I also am confident in saying…the network of UM in business is omnipresent. My brother-in-law joked that he could say “Go Blue!” in any conference room he’s ever sat in over the past several decades and would be guaranteed a thumbs up or Hail comment.

Someone described it thusly…Ross provides a lot of keys, but you still gotta walk into the room and impress. In LSA, you might need to figure out the combination to the lock and it might take a little more elbow grease at times, but you’ll be nicely warmed up once you get into that room.


I was appointed to an all-academic team at the regional level, do you guys think I should email the AO about it? I know the EOCI deadline has passed and I don’t want to annoying.

LSA and Ross have separate recruiting events and opportunities, though I don’t know if there’s any crossover between an Econ major and Ross BBA. I’d contact the Econ dept. at Michigan and ask them. But what I do know a degree in Econ from Michigan would unlock a lot of boatload of both recruiting and opportunities.

Like almost everything at Michigan, the Econ dept is ranked very high.

Niche has it at #9. CC won’t allow me to link Niche for some reason.

This link has it ranked at #6: .

And QS has it ranked at #19: QS World University Rankings for Economics and Econometrics 2021 | Top Universities .

#8 here: 35 Best Bachelor's Degrees In Economics

USNWR has the graduate program at #12:

And as you may know already, one can receive a CS degree from either LSA or the CoE. Those recruiting opportunities do crossover. A CS major in either school at Michigan will have the same recruiting events and opportunities.

They said that nothing other than the EOCI would be added to your file or considered.

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My daughter got the same message that she’s welcome to send additional information, but they probably wouldn’t review it.

im oos from california and everyone who got accepted to michigan last year got accepted in the 2nd wave. Does michigan decide who is in what wave based on geography or was that just a coincidence?

What do you mean everyone that got accepted was in 2nd wave?

oops I meant at my school!!