UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Didn’t know that’s coming today for my D. :grimacing:

Do people think Lsa out of state decisions are coming out friday?

I think we should rename this thread - Early Action is a complete misnomer. Inaction, Delayed Action, Not Very Early Action, Much Later Than We’d Like Action - take your pick. But there is nothing “early” about it. Grrrr.


The daily “are they coming out Friday” question thread.


It shouldn’t be so hard for UMich to fix a date. So many other colleges - even the ones that receive a larger volume of applications than UMich - have announced dates.
It’s been done!

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Well, I know @westchesterdad22 said it’s definitely Friday. If he’s wrong, then we give him “no quarter.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It is definitely not early action. It misleads people.


It is interesting. We just got back from Purdue and my postponed at Michigan COE student really fell in love. We are OOS for both, but he said - even if I happen to get into Michigan, I’m not sure now if I’d go. It’s almost 30k more per year, which plays into his thoughts, but also he really enjoyed the visit to Purdue (which was well done and he’s in the Honors program there). He is really starting to see himself there. I think the longer this is in his brain, the harder it would be to pivot. That being said, it’s easy to say that … let’s see what happens if he’s lucky enough to get in.


This is what their advisor is for. They are mostly great. A friends kid is there this year and was looking at engineering but wasn’t sure. She entered LSA. Really liked data etc. On my suggestion and her counselors also they had her look at the school of information but kept her on a engineering course incase she pivoted. She really likes the school of information and the people there and professors she talked to. Was thinking CS or Industrial engineering.

They will help them flush out their abilities and interests… Everyone’s kids no matter where they end up will be OK…

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Yes. Didn’t say I am correct but you asked. :joy:

It’s a great school /program. He wins either way.

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Unclear, I hope it’s soon!

Our family is in the exact same boat. DS got into Purdue, the Honors Program, and got a pretty substantial scholarship. We are OOS, but their tuition - especially with the scholarship- is a huge factor. Our family visited last month, and DS fell in love with Purdue. He was postponed at Michigan. Even if Michigan comes back with a ‘yes’, I’m not sure DS would accept at this point. He already feels like he belongs in Indiana.


Assuming you are from CA, that’s a 25k-30k difference. tbf, that’s probably why Michigan defers OOS applicants at a greater rate than in-state. They likely know which peer schools someone might be applying and how the choices might look from that perspective.

We are in Texas, but I was born in Cali, hence the username :slight_smile: DS got into UT for ME, but the tour there was no bueno. DS felt like a number. Broke my heart because that is where I went to school and would love another generation of Longhorns in the house. The Purdue tour was amazing, and it made him feel like part of the community. He is really interested in Michigan because they have a unique program that combines engineering and the arts (ArtsEngine). He didn’t see anything like that at any other school.

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Sounds like he has made up his mind. Purdue is a fantastic school and with the scholarships I can understand him getting less interested in Michigan over time. Congrats!


There is literally no excuse for it, tbh. Like you said, many other schools seemed to have it figured out, even with larger volumes. :wink:

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We’ve got a few good offers by now. Tired of this deferral thing. Not sure if we really want to go if admitted. Definitely not feeling good on this no matter how one would argue around the rational for the deferral. To me, the admission simply didnt manage the process well for whatever reasons.


We are in a similar boat as well. Got into Purdue, UC Boulder, UMD, etc. Up until the UIUC acceptance last Friday, he had decided on Purdue. Now it’s between Purdue and UIUC. No merit or honors at Purdue (he didn’t apply). Waiting to see if honors at UIUC. Then if course there is the UMich postponed decision. Who knows at this point?

I will say (sheepishly here on the Michigan thread) that the Purdue parents FB page is nothing short of joyous. Parents and kids are excited for the fall and Purdue has been rolling out the red carpet to make families feel welcome and loved. Granted, I’m looking at an admitted community, but it’s markedly different from the agony of the purgatory Michigan is subjecting kids to! I can see how a student would vacillate towards Purdue while waiting for Michigan’s final verdict.