UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Did any accepted students apply and hear back from U Mich Honors yet?

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Georgia Tech is the same. D received an email from the Dean, Department Chair, a Professor, and a student in her major. It was really welcoming and impressive. Tech wasn’t high on her list but it has moved up because of all the attention they have given her.


Same. Daughter in at UF, Florida State, Baylor, TCU, MSU, and others, and most already sent her merit packages. Meanwhile, it is already March with no answer from Michigan “early action,” and they can’t even commit to a date to get decisions out. Makes me sad. My oldest daughter is a junior at Umich :sleepy:


Could the wave this Friday include OOS applicants who were postponed?

Bunch of students on a group chat got accepted or deferred from honors.

Deferred from LSA honors. Does anyone know what the next steps are? Should we write a letter of interest?

Did anyone hear anything about scholarships/merit? (oos)

Where is this group chat btw? I got accepted

When did u get accepted? In February?

Ha! No, I did NOT say it is definitely Friday! I said it was definitiely a likelihood, possibility, and man, wouldn’t it be nice to be Friday! I defer (or is it postpone?) to the master of these predictions, sushiritto.


I’m certain they have their own internal reasons, and from an institutional perspective they’re probably sound. My biggest issue with UM is that they don’t take the students’ mental well being into account at all. In fact, they aggressively shun even thinking about it.

As many have pointed out, they demand an application at the earliest possible juncture (I think our D only submitted UNC before UM, and UM was at the same time as her ED). Then they do two things- do not announce when they will release EA (other schools do this, too) and then postpone an inordinate amount of applicants and never announce when they will hear. As it trickles into and through March, these students- who applied over four months prior- are continually strung along with no contact or information.

They’re big, they’re elite, and they don’t HAVE to care because the next applicant is just as good as the current one. But it slowly chips away

My brother-in-law is a huge UM fan and talks glowingly about the time he spent there, the friends he made, and the network that exists. But he doesn’t give a dime back to the University because of how they’ve handled some things publicly and administratively over the past few years. That’s not really connected, other than to say that it does seem like the admin is somewhat disconnected from the heartbeat of the people that it should be embracing.


I agree with everyone. Me and a few students applied to UM from my grade but they’re almost out of the running due to ED elsewhere, deferrals, and the ambiguity.

On a random note, I want to say I’m kind of impressed with the parents on this page. I am a first gen student and my parents know nothing about college or applications. It is amazing to see how involved you guys all are with their apps and knowledgeable on this subject. It is really helpful for all of us students that wouldn’t have access to this plethora of info.


I’ve been impressed as well and I’m a parent of an only child so this is my first and only time in this community! Bravo as a first generation student! Well done- I hope you get to go to the place of your dreams!


Good luck to you! I, too, hope you get to go to UM or wherever you dream to be!

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It’s on the Patio app. You just need to show proof of acceptance.

So just remember that this site, CC is a microcosm of the real world but already people are fed up with the process and might make other school choices. Some seeing the financial realities of their choices. To those willing to hold on multiple this by thousands. Michigan will fill all their seats. People that really, really want to go, will. When accepted.

It’s been said before “Those that stay will be champions”

Good luck to those deciding to move on

If there is a release on Friday and it’s not positive for you then I would start looking at your other choices. Yes, you can still get accepted but the chances become dimmer.

I have talked to some that got accepted off the wait list in the last few years and they had great years and thrilled to go to Michigan.


Yes. My D heard back today - accepted.


Did she applied separately for honors or are students considered automatically?
LSA, CoE, or which one?

She was accepted EA to LSA. She was “invited” by email to apply to LSA honors and to apply for LSA merit scholarships. Honors has a series of “deadlines” & notifications. So, if you applied before 2/8 you’d hear before/on 3/2. I think next wave is later March?


You do have to fill out honors application once accepted to LSA. Couple essays I think.

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