UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

i have a gut feeling there may be something at some point today… just maybe not as soon as we hoped.

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Word. I like your reasoning, seems legit🙏🏻


As I’ve mentioned a really long time ago, schools like STAMPS or Taubman are small and have their own admissions process and timeline.

Yes, that is correct although if you did a frequency distribution of Michigan’s release times, the median would be roughly around the 3:00 PM EST hour. :grinning:

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D joked that if she goes to UM, one of her goals is to hang a “Yield” sign on her dorm room wall.


I think I’m missing something. Anyone that applied early action already got a response, it may not have been the response they wanted but getting deferred is a response. Is everyone just anxious bc they have to wait now? There was no way they were accepting every EA applicant. I’m not sure what Michigan should have done differently.


I’m actually quite surprised that there may not be a wave today. We’re 5 weeks out from the EA release, the next Honors deadline is 3/8, IIRC, and the next Ross decisions are 3/18.

Hmm. :man_shrugging:

Let’s see if 5:00 PM EST is the magical time today.


they postponed roughly 70% if applicants which is extremely high (according to what i have seen in CC and other websites.) last year, there was a release for some applicants on this friday in march. being postponed isn’t necessarily a decision, as they state that they needed more time with your application. so all in all, people want their final decision so they can move on and make a choice i believe


Why would you even put that out there?

Now people will be ticked if nothing come then.

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just speculation :slightly_smiling_face:

The old Rush lyric, “if you choose not to make a choice, you still have made a choice.” The issue people have with UM is that they postpone an inordinate amount of applicants, and often postpone them seemingly for reasons other than merit. Almost every other school who has EA (with the possible exception of UChicago, but that’s a different scenario) has a fairly straightforward approach to their EA. Admit, defer, deny. BUT…they typically admit most/all of the applicants that are qualified in their minds, and a deferral is based primarily on the school’s desire to see how they match up against RD candidates. With UM…they’ve basically kicked many EA applicants down the road. Most GC’s (and some AOs have admitted this) believe this is solely a yield protection strategy- where UM wants to believe the candidate has UM high on their list in order to have a higher % of students admitted actually attend.

Add to that the lack of transparency and the secrecy about their release dates…and voila. They say “by April 1” but that doesn’t ring true since historically they’ve always released in multiple waves leading up. They just don’t tell anyone when those will be.


D’s GC said the same thing, which was one of the reasons she was bullish on today. Basically, said history, experience, and basic math pointed to the release occuring today.

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April 31? That must be a joke.

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I understand, but there was always a possibility you’d get deferred, in no way is this new to this class of applicants, so I was just confused why everyone seems shocked and annoyed.



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My UM alum-filled family would insert an Ohio State joke here :slight_smile:

If it is not today, it will be 3/18, then it will be early April.

You may have missed the reasons for frustration expressed by dozens on this thread.
It’s not just about deferrals, it’s the uncertainty, the lack of care for applicants, etc.

Anyway, don’t want to go over all that right now. Want to keep the focus here on the potential for a wave today.


What @sushiritto said. The timing of Ross and Honors reviews, which historically have lined up in a specific way with release waves. Not releasing today would create smaller application reviews in the next round and an overwhelming amount in following ones.


It’s a Friday syndrome until all the decisions are out. Every Friday we expect 1 or 2 portal changes, atleast I do.

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Ok. Here’s hoping for today…