UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

If everyone just went by April 1st then everyone would be content with waiting (albeit it anxiously) until April 1st. I wonder if anyone who gets in will actually address this issue with admissions and try and revamp their system….it’s been like this for at least 5 years now, actually longer.


simply because of the high postponed rate, i don’t think there’s much else to it

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As an example, our D was deferred from UVA. She knew when those decisions were coming out, and she knew exactly what the deferral meant. UVA is transparent and clear- they post the apps, acceptances, deferrals, and rejections and then break them down by in-state and OOS. They also post % of deferrals that receive eventual admission, and tell you that you will hear with the RD crowd (which they’ll let applicants know a few days in advance).

They considered her application, felt it was worthy of a deferral though not acceptance, and were super clear in communicaitng everything. Ok. Easy to deal with, least amount of stress involved.

UM? Her GC told everyone in the whole school they were getting postponed…because UM postpones everyone in our school every year. They never seriously considered their apps for EA. The AO has flat acknowledged. Add to that the fact that UM never shares when decisions are coming out…and then has multiple waves of decisions that you may or may not be involved in (creating additional days of stress, to where a UM applicant could theoretically have 4-6 days of opening portals and receiving no or bad news)…well, it’s a bad policy.


I just don’t see lack of care on their part. And clearly no one is bothered enough to withdraw their applications. I just don’t see why everyone is so surprised by this. It’s not new to this class it happens every year. You’ll know one way or the other by April 1st.

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Actually, two years as is. Because when the initial EA decision date was in December (2019-20 and earlier), the lack of transparency and waves were much easier to handle (accourding to our guidance department) due to the fact they were still earlier or about the same time as other EA schools.


people have withdrawn though, i think you may not share the same frustration with other people and that’s okay! let’s just keep our thoughts on other topics :slight_smile:


I agree @DadOfJerseyGirl that it’s not worth rehashing this debate. If you’d like to know why people disagree with your statement, scroll back within the thread and enjoy! :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. Michigan did not say April 1. They said “by early April”. I’d argue that could be as late as April 8.

So why apply if so upset by the process and why so surprised by this if guidance already gave heads up. Michigan was clear with April 1st. Had they said Jan 15th and then nothing I’d get being put-off but they said April 1st.

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Exactly…so if early April comes and nothing then be annoyed.


let’s move on. not everyone has the same opinions here.


has anyone had any live chats with an AO today?

Yes let’s move on to bashing Michigan’s acceptance process :thinking::thinking::thinking:

so negative for what? people can have different opinions. if you don’t agree then just be positive about it instead :woman_shrugging:t3:


i also don’t think bashing is the way to go, i just think not everyone agrees and that’s okay


Someone above said they did and were told “it’s possible” about a release today. (Which is pretty meaningless… but that was put out there as conveying certainty that there would be a wave today.)


Ok. Now I am impressed. Big Rush fan here… Nicely done!!

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regardless let’s all try to focus on what today could bring for some individuals! i think my question may have been lost though, did anyone chat with an AO today?

GracieBay, thanks for your thoughts on this. I find the parents on this site use it as a place to vent without judgment from other posters. They seem like a really intelligent bunch of people. If you want to vent that others on the site shouldn’t judge UM because we’ll know by April 1st - that’s fine. But when people try to explain to you their thought process and feelings in good faith that you really want to know, then restating your previous post seems not very sympathetic…Just my 2 cents, I don’t post often but I read all the time!


Vent without judgment is a great way to phrase it! I don’t want to share my frustration with my daughter - she’s stressed enough!


I believe you are missing the point that “early April” is not the real answer- it is a way for UM to avoid providing an answer…

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