UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Your son is in? Congratulations!

Bahah oh God, no. Weā€™re waiting with the rest of you! Iā€™m assuming heā€™s in the reject pile from his school thatā€™ll come out on any given Fridayā€¦

Oh,ok, as you said, letā€™s wait for any Fridays.

Will ā€œwavesā€ only come out on Fridays? Is there any chance of a mid-week release? I applied to LSA, if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance for any replies

would it be more reasonable to assume there will be a wave this coming friday or would it more likely be the 18th?

If thereā€™s any takeaway from this cycle, it would be more reasonable to assume that you canā€™t assume anything.


At this point Iā€™m just going to expect April 1st and anything before that will be a nice surprise, thatā€™s the best way to go about it as annoying as it is.


As has been mentioned before, the delay in decisions is somewhat problematic for those who are planning to attend a Campus Day tour and visit Ann Arbor. For example, Kinesiology has their Campus Days every Friday from March 18-April 9 from 1-3 pm. As the time gets closer, it becomes more difficult (and expensive) to arrange travel, time off, miss athletic and school events, and schedule around other visits to accepted colleges. If it is April 1, that gives you one potential date.

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There are lots of great schools. Iā€™m not sure why Michigan doesnā€™t give an exact date. Probably the same reason they raise tuition after the sophomore year - because they can, lol. Iā€™ve had two children attend Michigan OOS. My youngest hated it and transferred after freshman year. My oldest loved it and is now working in NYC. everyone should keep an open mind.


Very well stated. The process is odd. After reading all of these notes it appears very weird that my twins got an acceptance to LSA on 3/1 (also their birthdayā€¦). Unlikely they will attend, as they each like different schools. They also both know that April 1 is the
ā€œmagic dateā€ so their stress has been well managed. It all works out. I think theyā€™re more concerned about their friendā€™s stress than their own fates.

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Just a reminder to anyone who thinks that ā€œtheā€ day is April 1ā€“youā€™re just guessing along with the rest of us. ā€œEarly Aprilā€ does not (necessarily) equal April 1.


Many things Michigan is in the top ten but even in Wordle :joy:ā€¦


Iā€™ve been trying to tell people that the ā€œMā€ in ā€œHYPSMā€ is for Michigan. And Berkeley residents just have the extra time, since they seem to spend a lot of their time outside the courtroom waiting for court to be in session. :rofl:


Well Michigan just beat OSU again without our best player who was sick and one of our other starters not scoring a point. Way to go Phil Martelliā€¦:basketball:


Boiler up!!!

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Itā€™s a Michigan site. Go to the Purdue siteā€¦ :basketball:. Geezā€¦ :joy:

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Basketball is nice diversion between football seasons.

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You spelled hockey wrong :wink:


You know a sport is boring when even the announcers are surprised when someone scores.

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