UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

If you don’t mind - would you share what your youngest didn’t like about it?


Monday morning portal check report…

D says nothing has changed. No glitches or weirdness. Everything looks the same.

Over and out.


Hoping for Friday but I don’t think that we’ll see any portal changes until later in the week because its a smaller release so any glitches would probably be on Friday

Michigan has me obsessively checking my email and CC because I know the shipman scholarship invites should be going out in the next few days :sweat_smile:
I’ve sent a ridiculous number of emails inquiring about it and they just refuse to give me a date for when finalists will be notified - so so frustrating but that’s just how Michigan does things! :frowning_face: It’s odd because in the past they’ve been more transparent about the date for it and the worst part is that I would only know they were sent out if I got it or if someone posts on CC about it - otherwise I’d be left in the dark with my hopes and anxiety still up but they just don’t care about that unfortunately - I really do not see how it benefits them though besides making me frustrated with the school. (Invites went out on March 9 last year)


Sorry about the shipman uncertainty, but it sounds like you are accepted to the school unlike many on this page so I hope you celebrate that as a huge accomplishment


Since Friday my S’ portal looks different at different points…no missing buttons but the start page seems to flip between the black page with the 3 column widgets for actions items etc to a plain page thats got a link to the black page. Seems to change every few hours or so. On Friday when he logged in, the page flickered for a bit and settled into the black page. Not sure what it means or if anything even


Hopefully your monitor isn’t shorting out :computer::thinking::joy:


Thats what I said initially!

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Anyone else already losing hope for this Friday? I feel like since nothing came out last week, we might not hear anything until early April. I guess I am just preparing myself, lol.


I’m confused as to why the next Honors deadline is March 8 when they have not seemed to release many additional decisions in time for that. Any thoughts/insight?

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My only reason for being hopeful is Westchester’s daughter’s GC - seems like that was a promising sign for waves of some sort. But yeah I’m grasping for straws and my kid is so over it (“it” being hearing anything before April 1). If it’s delayed past April 1 then that will be a different issue…


Oh man, we’re really grasping at straws now!

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I still have hope for this week (or sometime before 4/1). The fact that they admitted some in state people on 2/25 discredited the theory that there would only be EA and early April admits.

Edited to add: UofM seems to be paranoid about over enrolling and that’s why I think they admit in waves. Admit, see who says “yes”, admit some more, etc. They don’t seem to like to take chances … and just admitting in just two waves could be more risk than they are willing to take. And Purdue’s housing debacle last year is probably pretty fresh in Michigan’s mind - making them even less likely to stray from what’s worked for them in the past. It sucks for applicants who get stuck in limbo, but it works well for them and they always seem to get the class size and breakdown they’re after.

You’ll have to forgive my friend here. He’s still using a cathode ray tube monitor. :grimacing:

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FAQ, Deadlines & Requirements – The Honors Experience.

While it will never happen since everyone has to make things more complicated than it could be I still long for the days when applications were made by Jan 1 (there were few applying early since it didnt mean anything except to those who were prepared very early and willing to commit) and everyone found out in March their results.

In this era of needing to know now (in all aspects of our lives with cell phones in our hands) this has become more complicated and the ED, EA, ED2, Deferral games have occurred ( not to mention the TO games that now occur). Yields, trophy hunters, deferral etc have become words that have occurred. If schools made their early decisions (yes or no and simply moved on not waiting to see if something better comes along and accepting their decisions all could move on)

Yes its great if kids know early making their senior year a bit more tolerable but is it necessary? no! I ( back in the stone age) and the majority of kids still wait until march (if you were a medical student you wait until match day) for your decision. Being told early gives relief to some and anxiety to many others. Quite simple either a single day or single month for all decisions and then they move on. With respect to U Mich - whatever they do they do. Precedent was thrown out the door when the pandemic started, test optional was added, tours were limited, applications exploded, etc. It will be over in a few weeks.

If U Mich wanted to save Yield and they felt they were the backup for all the IVY/Stamford/DUke etc wannabees they would wait until May 1 when those kids have to make a committment and sweep up the kids who really want to go there - but that’s not realistic nor should they.


thanks! of course I am happy about that but it doesn’t mean anything if I do not get a scholarship as I will not be able to go and I have wanted it more than anything else since I was very young - getting a scholarship to michigan motivated me throughout high school to do well so knowing I will have to move on soon is hitting me hard


But someone said their twins were accepted last Tuesday. Was this a joke? If not, doesn’t anyone else find this odd?


My son said that he saw a few kids from our area (northern NJ) were admitted last week. He didn’t know them personally (he saw it on IG). It made me wonder how big last week’s release was…

The only people I heard being accepted (or rejected) over the course of last week (not on one particular day) were from Michigan’s school of music, theater, and dance. In state and out of state. We are based in Massachusetts, and know seniors who were rejected and seniors who were admitted last Monday/Tuesday.