UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I feel so stupid because up until this year I thought it was still Rolling admissions like when I applied in the dark ages :rofl: :rofl:. Since the deadline was Feb. 1 I totally put it off, and then my GC found out I didn’t submit it in mid-Jan and she freaked out. “You’re OOS!! What are you thinking!!” Oops, so I sent it in, and got my acceptance letter on Feb. 4th. Whew!

Totally possible that the kids my son saw were the same. He had no idea which schools the admitted kids had applied to.

I absolutely agree with this ^^^.

The issue with this year is that the only RD “wave” was a “ripple” of targeted in-state applicants on Friday 2/25. That is strange to me. Michigan obviously needed a few more in-state applicants since the EA release.

Finally broke down and reached out to our GC. In her experience she does not expect to hear anything for any of their postponed kids until the last week of March or first week of April. We are an in-state, private feeder school with a large number of postponed kids every year.

So we are going to book a couple of admitted student days elsewhere while we wait. I hope some of you hear before then, but it’s nice to know what to expect from our school’s experience - your school’s experience may be different.

But I do long for the days when my oldest was accepted before Christmas!!


The only problem with that logic is that most people (that I know anyway) aren’t going to commit until closer to May 1 as they are currently still waiting for other schools, aid packages, scholarships, etc. So U-M isn’t really gonna get a meaningful “see who commits” look on the 1st and 2nd Fridays of March.


What do you mean by targeted? Targeted as in in-state or something else?

But then when do rejections come out? They’re going to just dump thousands of rejections at once? I know that’s what most single day decision schools do, but it’s harder if you’ve been watching friends and classmates get accepted for months and realize your door is slowly closing :frowning:

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I’ll take the counterpoint. :slight_smile:

First, you must be thinking about OOS numbers. In-state yield is/was 70+%, so they’ll likely have an excellent read on those numbers. Like CA, most kids will attend their state school.

Also, you’ll have to remember that most programs are highly ranked at Michigan. For small schools, like Kinesiology, Ross, Taubman (Architecture), STAMPS, Nursing, etc., spots are extremely limited and much sought after spots.

For example, if admitted to Ross, you’ll have a few deciding between Wharton, Haas or Ross, etc., but how many are there of those applicants?

For CoE, which only has around 1,400-ish spots and is ranked in the Top 10 (I think #6), you’ll have some applicants deciding between MIT, GT, CMU, Berkeley, Stanford, etc., but it can’t be a huge crowd of applicants. Many will go with Michigan, because it’s a great school fit for them.

Now LSA is different to me, that’s probably where the enrollment numbers are a little more speculative IMO. And it’s the biggest school. But I think Michigan’s algorithms are pretty good at predicting yield by now, especially with all the ED’s (SCEA’s and REA’s) with acceptances having cleared out by now, hopefully.

And then there are the ALDC’s (athletes, legacies, dean’s interest list, children of faculty) too. I can’t forget them. Athletes alone make up about 300 or more spots in a class of 7,000.

According to posts here, back around 2/25, Michigan had a very small wave of in-state applicants admitted, but the admittances appeared to overlook large in-state feeder schools. If I’m mistaken, then I apologize.

No, I was just curious what you meant. That’s all.

There have been rejections already along the way.

But the last waves in pre-pandemic years were roughly here on CC: 20% acceptances, 40% waitlists and 40% rejections. But that’s the last wave on or around 4/1 and here on CC, which skews very high stat. This year? Who the heck knows. :slight_smile:

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at this point, in your opinion are they only going to do one wave? on 3/11,3/18, 3/25, or 4/1? which date is most likely?

Or maybe they’ll release on a day other than Friday!
You know, just to shake everyone up.

No clue but they last day to apply for Honors (LSA) is April 7. Not sure why they have one for tomorrow when it doesn’t seem they released many acceptances between last deadline and tomorrow.

Do you mean for admitted students ?


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Ok that’s pretty much what I was envisioning. If/when you guys all get a bunch of celebratory decisions in the next week or two and we get crickets, I’ll know we’re pretty much out :laughing: and that’s fine.

Honestly, I don’t know. Sorry.

I applied and got into UVA. Super transparent process with frequent updates on twitter, tiktok, Instagram, and blog. If I chose to attend will stop by the admissions office (if they let me into the office) to say thank you.


I applied and got into UVA. Super transparent process with frequent updates on twitter, tiktok, Instagram, and blog. If I chose to attend will stop by the admissions office (if they let me into the office) to say thank you.