UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Here’s a guess, but I wouldn’t call it anything but pure speculation on my part.

Michigan obviously competes for top freshman applicants with other top OOS schools, such as UNC, UVA, Ivy’s, UC’s, etc., but they also compete hard with in-state colleges, like Michigan State, which, from what I’ve read/heard, has an outstanding Honors College for high stat HS students.

MSU has the following decision timeline(s):

EA deadline of 11/1, decision by 1/15
RD deadline of 2/1, decision by 3/31
RD submitted post-2/1, decisions are rolling

Seems to be somewhat similar to Michigan’s decision timeline.

So, is Michigan’s approach to freshman enrollment to both compete with MSU for both top in-state applicants AND and OOS students? I would say that there isn’t just one approach to successfully managing yield/enrollment.

Something seemed so weird about my son’s MSU acceptance coming in at like, 3:05pm on Friday while we were waiting for U of M. He applied in December and was almost immediately waitlisted (very high stats for MSU). After reaching out to the AO a few weeks later to enthusiastically express interest and inquire if they received his official college transcript (in addition to HS and mid-year) he was just told, “Unfortunately, we’re still at full capacity for Fall 2022.”

Common Data Set shows no waitlist policy for MSU, yet there’s stray reports of them waitlisting here and there. All these months of checking the portal and then boom, it pops up right next to the UofM tab I had open. Like, if his stats looked like a probable rejection for UM on that expected Friday, great time for MSU to swoop in. But then UM didn’t release…

Probably just a coincidence, as it’s obviously super anecdotal, but we’re Washtenaw Cty and probably considered a small “feeder.” I’m more inclined to believe it was my very sincere prayer for Lent that I receive some good news because I had a week of really bad news and needed a break. So I’ll take it, MSU :).


Last Friday, 3/4, your son received an acceptance to MSU at 3:05 PM? The date some of us here (me) were expecting a big wave from Michigan, which typically occurs around 3:00 PM EST? You’re right, that’s a really strange “coinky dinky.”

Congrats to you and your son on the MSU acceptance!


Thanks! But yeah, I had both tabs open and checked on MSU a little before 3pm when I got to the computer and it was still waitlist, and then getting bored checking UM I switched back and reloaded MSU and got “Congratulations!” I saw at least 2 others on Reddit also mention they got into MSU at the same time. Thanks for indulging my very slight conspiracy-mindedness :smiley:

ETA: I guess it was around 3:15pm

Michigan state like all schools have been more picky on their acceptances. If you look at who they offer honors enrollment to over the last five years that metric of GPA /Stat has been going up like yearly. It’s a great accomplishment. Congratulations


MSU has been amazing… notified in November and some major piece of good news every few weeks since acceptance. They do a great job courting the Honors College kids.


Heh maybe that’s why we were cast aside for 2 months. They were too busy with the Honors kids :laughing:. But thanks! We’re excited to visit. I’ve never seen much more of the campus other than the vet hospital.

For all of those Kinesiology hopefuls (and I think there are a bunch of us on here), did you receive an email this morning from Umich talking about the winter cohort? They will be considering a winter term start for those Kinesiology majors that get waitlisted.


i saw this!! hopefully decisions come out soon for us like in the email !

And I like the verbiage of when they said they are expanding their enrollment with this cohort. Just means more opportunity for more students.


Also means they don’t need to report the data about those students (GPA, test scores, class rank, gender/race/demographics, financial aid, etc) in the school’s published admissions statistics, as those stats only include students that enroll in the fall of each year. They also aren’t reported in dropout or 4yr/6yr graduation rates.

More and more schools are catching on to this data-dodge.

Hopefully that’s a hint that they’re doing a release on fri :pray: :four_leaf_clover:

There hasn’t been any LSA release yet right?

There was an in-state release on 2/28 which included some LSA students.

Thanks for sharing! My D hasn’t told me about it but she’s at school. Great that there’s hope for the waitlisted Kinesiology kids!

My daughter did not get the Kinesiology email. Not sure if that’s good or bad. She’s exercise science, not sports management, maybe that makes a difference?

The University of Michigan School of Kinesiology is excited to expand our enrollment through a new winter-start program: the MAES (Movement Science & Applied Exercise Science) winter cohort . The MAES program will allow a small group of students planning to major in Movement Science or Applied Exercise Science to begin their journey with us in the winter semester of 2023.

Any nursing updates?

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This feels like an email they would send to all applicants. Hoping that doesn’t mean she’s in the rejected pile :frowning:

Or she is in the accepted pile and doesn’t need to worry about winter enrollment:)