UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I started this application process with a positive attitude, but after so many deferrals I’m moving to the ‘expect the worst’ mindset :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Question: Do you think LSA would ever offer a Winter admission if you applied for Fall? I know some other schools do that, even MSU. I tossed around the idea when my son was writing the Loci/ECI that he would be open to Winter too, but then decided against it. He’s coming in with an A.S. and 84 college credits so taking a gap term for an internship would be no problem, and housing wouldn’t be an issue for Winter either because he could just commute. Like, if the alternative was to not get in at all, Winter would be very much acceptable :D.

Maybe if he’s waitlisted it could be put in a LOCI? Eh, just hoping still.


Seems like she has been offered an option

At the risk of sounding like a crazed parent - my daughter who has premonitions (seriously) had a vivid dream last night she got into Michigan this week. She often has vivid dreams that literally come true (I know, I know, crazy but… true). She is not anxiously waiting to hear from UM as it is not one of her top choices - but she knows I am anxiously waiting to hear as I am a UM alum and I would love for her to give it serious consideration.


Did she say that the decision was released on Friday at 3pm? :smile:


Honestly, your daughter’s premonition is probably just as reliable as anything else we’ve heard this year so I’m going with that :slight_smile:


So THAT’s what everyone means by “dream school”…


Which would imply she often has vivid dreams that literally DON’T come true? (Or at least she doesn’t recall the ones that don’t.)

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Lol now THAT would have been crazy. :rofl:

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LOL I wish I had said that to her!

I knew that I would be viewed as crazy by posting this. But no, she does not have vivid dreams often but when she does they come true. Whatever, thought it would at least add some much needed levity to this page.


Can you ask her if she sees anything about my daughter getting into Michigan? :rofl: worth a shot :smiley:


Understand completely! Sending positive vibes!

Definitely not crazy! But keep us posted!


Or she could do a virtual tarot card reading for your daughter. :heart_eyes:


At this point I’ll take it! :rofl:


FWIW, unless there’s some twist I’m missing here, it’s not a new program. I posted this back on February 6th, CC is telling me :grinning: :grinning:

you’re correct, there is a small cohort for Sports Management. This particular email indicated there will now be a winter cohort for Movement Science and Applied Exercise Science.


My son has eyeballed that program and already has a tentative internship for the fall with an NFL team. There is a couple issues with the program: no guaranteed housing, no specific SM tours and moving to Michigan in January!

My apologies for bringing this topic back up, but I’ve been thinking about what you said. My question to you or anyone out there is what schools, with like-kind characteristics to Michigan, is also “successful” at managing their enrollment?

When I say “like-kind” characteristics, the college is: a) academically well-thought of school (staying away from the term “elite”), b) large public with lots of apps, doesn’t have to have 80,000 apps, c) EA process, d) large in-state high quality competitor and e) roughly a 50/50 mix of in-state/OOS enrollment.

I may have forgotten one or two characteristics, but although I know every little about it, UVA would meet most of those characteristics and seems to have a very transparent, orderly and successful enrollment process.

UVA does have a 2/3 to 1/3 mix of in-state versus OOS, great academic reputation, large public and a yield of 41%, which is almost the yield of Michigan’s at 45%. But UVA has ED, which obviously raises yield, some might say artificially. Texas and UF have very low admittance for OOS’ers as does UNC, though UNC’s is capped at 18%, if I googled correctly.

Just curious about like-kind instituions. The UC’s have only one decision, RD in March, but for the Top 1-2% of applicants, who earn various scholarships (Regents, Chancellors, etc.) in February, that is usually. UCLA and Cal/UCB seem to be late this year, but @DadOfJerseyGirl or anyone can correct me on that one. I’m not watching that closely.

To me, private schools are out, lower apps and they don’t have the same in-state residency requirements that large publics do.