UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission


Seriously, while the weather is changeable year-to-year, the Winters in Ann Arbor haven’t seemed as bad in recent years. I often send my D18 pics of the Apple weather map app of A2 and our local city here in CA during the Winter and a lot of Winter days they’re kinda similar, 30’s. And snow hasn’t been piled as high as years ago.

I think that Georgia Tech falls into this category too. Admittedly, significantly fewer applications (only 45K in 2021) but otherwise checks off all of the boxes (including orderly and transparent process)

That’s a very good one. Top notch public. So, I checked their CDS. Wow, 47% of the freshman class is from OOS, very close to Michigan. Only 41,000 apps, compared to Michigan’s 80,000 though. And GT has a yield of 37% compared to Michigan’s at 45%.

From what I quickly gathered, since I know nothing about GT other than their reputation, is that they also have EA and EA2? I’d guess that EA helps yield, but the only “problem” for me is the yield of 37% though it’s close to Michigan’s.

I think EA is for in-state and EA2 is for OOS


No, just EA and RD. Not rolling - single dates that are usually communicated a week or two ahead of time. Although, they have recently split communication dates for in-state vs out-of-state. (edited to note that I forgot that the split dates were labelled EA1 and EA2 - so you’re right about that)

Yes, UCLA Regents invite doesn’t seem to have gone out this year. So it’s at least a couple of weeks late at this point. UCB Regents invite (which also includes an early admission notice) did go out early last month.

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I know you’re looking for public university comparables - but I think maybe another parallel (although private and not as highly ranked) is Boston U. They received about 75k apps last year (so comparable to U-M’s volume) and had a lower yield rate (about 27%).

They offer ED, ED2 and RD. But fixed decision dates - usually around the same time each year - and announced roughly 3 weeks in advance.

Privates don’t have the same requirements to educate their citizens, but then I wouldn’t call BU’s yield successful relative to Michigan’s. Also, ED and ED2 is different, as you know.

I think GT is close though. Either way, Michigan seems successful at managing their yield, even if we can find close comparables. There doesn’t seem to be many.

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FWIW, I’m prety sure that CDS is from last year (at least, that’s the one I found). Will be interesting to see what has changed when the release this year’s. Curiosuly, their yield the year before was actually 41%. Maybe their orderly process isn’t so great afterall. :rofl:

And, apples to apples, since we’re talking about GT’s 20-21 CDS, Michigan’s from that year showed “only” 65K applications and 41% yield.

I wasn’t going to post because this is a bit crazy…but I too had a very vivid dream last night that my daughter got accepted to UM. I don’t recall the last vivid dream I had and certainly haven’t had any dreams about college admissions. I had just told my husband on our lunch time walk about the dream and upon return, logged onto this forum and saw your post. Weird. Hoping its a positive sign.


Purdue had 50K application last cycle, 59% of students are instate, only 26% yield.
While Purdue did defer some students in EA this cycle it was just a small number. Most EA students get their decision in mid January.


Love it! And that is weird but fun. We need to circle up either way this turns out.

You’re right, just noticed that’s GT’s 2020-2021 CDS, but I didn’t see 2021-2022. I also saw your next post too. Yes, I agree, apples to apples, but 20-21 was a very wacky year. However, Michigan’s 10-year historic yield line is 45% from that earlier link that I posted.

GT is a close comparable, but for 1/2 of the apps of Michigan and also one other characteristic, which GT may or may not have. Michigan has a bunch of schools to coordinate: LSA, CoE, Nursing, Kinesiology, STAMPS, Taubman, Social Work, yada, yada, yada.

Does GT or other schools also have a bunch of schools to organize enrollment around? I think GT is good comparable, but it also “only” has 40,000-ish apps, not 80,000.

If anyone from U-M’s admissions office is watching these forums - and you’ve been waiting for a sign to tell you when to release decisions - this is that sign! Act on it! :blush:


FWIW, Michigan deserves a lot of :poop: IMO, but the main reason that I posted all this nonsense was to get a sense of how they manage their yield/enrollment compared to other schools of the same ilk.

My apologies again for tangent.

Hey I’m posting about my daughter’s dreams! No need for YOU to apologize to anyone here!!! :upside_down_face:


Please report back and let us know if and when she is accepted. Same with the other vivid dreamer.


I want to know what these people are taking to have these “vivid” dreams :rofl:

The side discussions here are more then some schools total posts on here on CC :wink:

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Ha - right? She doesn’t just have vivid dreams - she has premonitions and they happen. Often. It’s freaky. I don’t talk about it much because people assume we are freaks when I do.


I totally believe that there are those around us that have those gifts!


My daughter when younger was like that. But she never picked a good stock for me :rofl: