UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

if you click on my scholarship profile in the new & prospective student center, does it give u a list of all the possible scholarships

For me, the scholarship profile doesn’t list possible scholarships. It is a place that allows me to add supplemental information to match me with scholarships.

Here is the official explanation: Help: My Scholarship Profile

Hello. I don’t have the exact # but only approx. 22,000 students make a 1500 or above on SAT, and I’m sure they’re not all applying to UMich. So your kiddo won’t be the only one without a 1500. It just feels that way because it seems like all the 1500’s congregate here at CC. :joy:
But yes, UMich does prefer in-state students, similar to the way most public schools function. But IMHO, there are lots of factors that come into play, so it’s hard to predict who will get in. Good luck!!


How do you have access to the new and prospective student center?

Any new updates about this Friday? Not sure if anything is coming this week or if it’ll come on the 28th… I know that some people have heard rumors through the grapevine and I was checking if there were any more.


emphasizing this question! anyone hear anything more?

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I think it’ll be this Friday, since the page had it’s “updating with early applications” moment, and people on Reddit who attend UMich say that there are rumors on campus about Friday.


Awesome, I was also thinking the same thing. I mean yesterday morning/Sunday night felt a bit telling about the situation and I really hope it’s a sign of the arrival of decisions coming sooner than I had originally anticipated. I keep scrolling through this page and reddit just waiting for more news, I think it’s starting to drive me actually crazy.


I’m exactly the same. I can’t stop thinking about it! I will go crazy if we don’t hear on Friday lol.


All of my friends that are current students at UMich (which, being from small town Nebraska, is not an immense amount…) are also echoing our conclusion that decisions will come out on Friday. I think that’s what the general consensus around campus is. That or they just want me to stop bugging them about it :)). I really hope we are right, though, because I don’t think I’ve closed this tab since our portals changed lol


I don’t think there is a “general consensus around campus.” I know it’s hard to believe when you are a senior, but current students really don’t think about or care about when decisions will be out. My college student has no clue. It’s not on their radar unless they have a family member or friend with a vested interest.


Just relaying the information given to me (: Totally possible that my sample is super skewed and I happen to know the only three that care–still figured it couldn’t hurt to share, though!!

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True, my UMich sophomore has a vested interest only because his sibling is applying…and of course, he has zero idea when acceptances will go out as a student. The only way any of us will know for sure is when the portal updates.

Speaking for my D18, she lives off campus and has no clue what admissions is or isn’t doing.

I have my doubts that folks in the admissions office are actually on campus and in the office with the pandemic flaring right now. Certainly, admissions decisions can be made from their homes.


Is there some obvious reason why UM simply cannot post the EA decision date on their website?

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Yes, because it would end all the fun speculation and digital tea leaves reading here on CC and over on Reddit



Likely because they don’t know when they’ll get done. Why give up optionality if you don’t have to?

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“Likely because they don’t know when they’ll get done. Why give up optionality if you don’t have to?”

Yeah - that’s kind of what I figured. But other schools have given dates, like GTech. Different ways of operating I guess.

I feel as though decisions are already made though on who is in and who will be moved to the RD pool. I feel like they just need to work on putting the decisions out there on the portal (not entirely sure on how to word this because I’m not sure how this end process works), I mean I feel like they have to be done by now


wait sorry, where are you getting the link for the canvas? i don’t see it anywhere even though I have a friend account

Hey, where can you see the honors application? I have a friend account but can’t see it anywhere