UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Test optional admissions policies have been a boon to admissions coffers. Every school that dropped ACT/SAT requirements seems to have seen a bump :wink:

So of note today in the prospective parents group on FB someone had updated their post saying that essentially some info given on Campus Day (once accepted we received invitations to come for a campus day tour, etc.) said UMich was looking at an 8.7% admit rate this year and I thought wow! hmmm, surely can’t be THAT low
and then I read here it said they’ve received over 90k apps
and now it seems possible. CrAzY! We shall see

Best wishes guys for good news for you this week!! :crossed_fingers:t3:

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I knew I remembered someone had posted a while ago that admissions had told them there was going to be one release in April. I’m glad you reminded me because I didn’t want to go back and try to find it but looks like you are the one who was right. At the time many thought it was blasphemous and we were all in denial, but I think you end up being the right one. A few years ago there was someone saying what the date for EA in December would be and it was different than normal and no one wanted to believe that person and in the end they were right. I think for most of us we have resigned ourself to the fact that the person who told you one release in early April was really telling the true story much to most of our dismay

That doesn’t make a ton of sense. Even if they got 100,000 applications, every year they admit around 16,000 students which comes out to a 16% acceptance rate.


Did you look at Airbnb for homecoming weekend? I see a few single rooms in houses for $100-200/night and a lot of whole houses for $1,500+ (or should I say $1,500+++) per night. Maybe a whole house rental would be good if you were with a group.

Maybe it’s 8.7% for OOS?

Seemed like an extremely low number to me, I figured perhaps around 16% so maybe they misunderstood and were talking about strictly EA? I honestly don’t know. :woman_shrugging:

agree, this seems like a game of hello operator and initially I saw the number and my heart skipped a beat, feels like a feeding frenzy now for any information but may just increase anxiety. “Early April” can’t come any faster even when I don’t want to ever wish time away

 8.7% doesn’t even make sense for just OOS only now that I think about it 
 that would only be about 7,000 OOS acceptances even if 80,000 of the apps were OOS and that’s not enough based on past OOS yield.

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That’s plausible. But still seems really low IMO

If in-state apps stay constant at around 11,000 +/- and the remaining 78,000-79,000 apps are from OOS (assuming 90,000+ apps total is the correct number), then 8.7% admit rate would mean the OOS yield would have to be VERY high (new record), maybe around 50%, compared to the historical 30%-ish.

ETA: Sorry, you beat me to it. :slight_smile:

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Yeah. I did the math after I posted and you’re right.

I write too slow and D18 is texting me simultaneously about her NCAA bracket. :man_facepalming:

I would venture to say the OOS yield is likely to be lower this year given the late decisions and the general frustration in addition to the most prominent usual reason (cost).

Based on the possibility that there may only be one final wave and, with only what appears to be a small in-state wave on 2/25, Michigan may not be admitting the same amount of acceptances as in prior years (16,000 per 2021-2022 CDS). :man_shrugging:

Ha! I was just thinking I need to put myself on a 15 minute delay.

I honestly don’t know. No OOS’ers appear to have been admitted RD, that’s really weird to me when compared to every year going back a very long time.

Maybe this one final wave, assuming that’s happening, gets them to the same enrollment goal? I kinda doubt OOS yield will be down, but again that’s my gut feel.

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Thanks for remembering. I got roasted just a bit for sharing what I was told, not bad, but some nonetheless :rofl:

I think everyone was hoping for a different outcome, so I kind of get it. No one wanted to hear single release, me included!!

Thanks for your kind note. Best to you! Go blue!

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I believe the year was 2019, IIRC, and Michigan had not released EA on a Thursday, ever. And I apologized to the poster for that one. Although the poster wanted a better apology than the one I gave. :grin:

And for the record, I didn’t believe the “one wave” theory, either, although technically, we did have an in-state wave, here on CC (small sample), on 2/25. :blush:

You’re a good sport and a wealth of knowledge on this page!


In your calculations, what is the in state acceptance rate?