UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I know plenty of OOS kids, including my own, that would accept Michigan no matter when that decision comes. It’s the first choice for so many. Michigan will get their numbers without any problem.


I would venture to say that the amount of frustration/whining on this forum is not representative of the world at large.


It seems even the schools that required stand tests saw large increases as well, (e.g., FL & GA publics). I wonder if many of these applications were submitted by students assuming tests were not required. Either way, they count as applications- even if deemed incomplete.

Can we all please agree to stop debating the same issue again and again? It’s really tiresome and isn’t helping anyone. The mods have requested us to move on as well.

Let us all (both sides) move on from discussing the admissions process. Enough has been said. It’s ok to have differing views!

There’s much more informative stuff we can discuss on this thread. Let’s move on.

Thanks all.


As a student who is mainly here to get information directly related to admissions (and not just people complaining), sifting through all of this fluff is a bit annoying. Maybe there should be a separate thread to discuss off-topic things related to UMich as a whole instead of putting it here?


Yield is sensitive to timing. The later the decision the smaller the window to sort out travel, plan visits and it cedes much of the evaluation window (eg. spring break) to other schools. CC may not be a representative sample but that’s all the data I have to go by.


This is very nice - 134 Ashley Mews Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 |®

Is this a student area, and what would a house like this rent for?

IIRC Ashley Mews is in the downtown area that has a lot of restaurants but isn’t as much the undergrad “student” area (but plenty close to walk). But my experience is over a decade out of date.


This is more typical. Would landlord be able to charge $8400 monthly for 12 month lease?

This one is interesting.

I’m sorry I don’t know the answer but if you’re thinking of buying in your kid’s college town then I can say that we are also considering that idea as an investment diversification…but we don’t yet know where that will be! Kid is OOS postponed so can’t yet “dream” about Ann Arbor as a realistic place for it…

I’m going to be fascinated to see what the OOS admissions % ends up being. Just as fascinated to find out what that yield might be, and how it compares to previous cycles.

Not just for UM, but UM is going to be important overall to the process as they’re somewhat unique in terms of size/quality.

Admit rate will naturally be lower due to simple math, but I suspect we’re in for a massive waitlist run. Might UM attempt to do what many suspect UChicago does on a smaller scale, and deny tippy top OOS students while admitting qualified students they believe are more likely to attend? There is heavy speculation they’ve done a lesser version of this for years (at least with some OOS schools) by confirming interest with GCs before offering admission.

Anyway, all fascinating to see how this plays out.


Yes they even talked about their ten year plan to
Address this.

He was the highlight!!

Will definitely be interesting, at our OOS high school, difference this year was that it was always the legacies that were admitted in the first round, this year the legacies were all postponed and offers given to 7-8 others, the yield is looking low on those accepted as UM was not their top choice (these were not the tippy top students btw), the legacies are very likely to commit and may get their offers later (multiple posts have said that last year the legacies were bumped to a later wave). In our case, offer received from state flagship, direct admit to T20 business school which is 1/3 of the price of UM, April 15 for the Ross wave is too late in the game to visit, etc so it seems like this timing did not help

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At this point, I’d be happy with a single release. I think it would be incredibly stressful to have a wave of acceptances and potentially not be in that wave. One decision and we’ll all know where we stand. Be nice though if we knew the date!!!


I always figured investing in house/apt where my kids went to school would be the way to go….but I have to admit I’m so happy we didn’t do it in Michigan, even though we’ve been there for 8 years and now maybe another 4. Michigan student rentals is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen (and I’m born raised and still living in a major city). Houses are often passed on to groups of friends 2 years in advance, my daughter committed to her senior year house the end of sophomore year. Committed to her junior year apt end of freshman year. And this seemed to be fairly common. Same with my son. Also both were required to live in their Greek house for full year (though this may have changed since COVID) then if they go abroad jr year they are really only on campus for 3 months that year so what ever place you’ve rented is either left empty or subletted out. While finding rentals is crazy….I think buying and planning to rent out in Ann Arbor is not for the faint of heart. These landlords have to deal with a lot of ■■■■ (literally and figuratively :rofl:)

We typically have legacies admitted EA also but this year, only one student was accepted who was top of class and not legacy (and not likely to go). Legacies are on standby waiting to hear and will enroll if accepted.

We have so many legacies at our 2 HS, and over the past 5-6 years there’s been almost no difference between their acceptances and non-legacies. In the zoom call at the beginning of the college process, the head of college counseling for our prep school specifically mentioned Michigan when discussing legacy. Said it’s possible it helps them decide that you might be more likely to attend, but that statistically it hasn’t helped or hurt our school’s applicants of late.

Man, I wish legacy counted for something around here, but I doubt it will in my son’s case. It should be 100% obvious from his app and stats that he would commit if admitted, but I doubt he would be deemed as valuable as all the other legacies. I went to one alumni event like 15 years ago, and never did anything after. But I started as an OOS student and ended up basically never leaving and otherwise invested so much in this town! Blah.

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With one wave, being a legacy could help this year…at least that is my hope! Most of our legacies enroll (but not all).